Dwarves Species in Egera | World Anvil
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Unlike their human neighbors, the dwarves of Egera have not allowed the history of their past civilization to fall into legend and myth. When the Great Rift separated the continents of Egera and Vrudias it took much of dwarven civilization with it. As a result, the stronghold of Everhost became separated from what else remained of its people. Cut off, but not destroyed.   With typical dwarven stubbornness, the residents of Everhost rebuilt their home and continued on as best they could. But they maintained what records they had of pre-rift dealings and traditions, and held to them even as they adapted to their new situation. It forced new and greater dealings with the other races of Egera, and as the humans spread out westard in search of a new home, many dwarves joined them. Some of those returned home to Everhost to establish new trade routs between fledgling human settlements and what was, at the time, the bastion of civilization.

Basic Information


Rarely standing more than five feet tall, dwarves are a short and stocky people well adapted to life underground. Their body type is similar to that of humans or elves, save in proportion. What they lack in height they generally make up in width, with wide shoulders and thick-boned frames. The stereotype is of a very muscular people, but this is by no means a rule, simply a reflection of cultural values.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Contrary to popular belief, traditional dwarf cuisine includes very little meat. Their staple foods are varieties of mushrooms, lichens, and ferns that grown underground without the need of sunlight. This diet is supplemented by species of cave fish and salamanders fished from underground rivers and streams, and even bugs in particularly barren areas. They do raise some animals that were bred for underground living by the dwarves themselves, among these a breed of small goat and boar which are more often used for labor than food.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

It's believed that dwarves are native to the Continent of Vrudias and migrated underground to escape the region's harsh weather. Although they have spread out along with the human diaspora, dwarves are still most numerous in the north.

Average Intelligence

On par with other sapient races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves have adapted to their underground home by developing extremely sharp dark vision, to the point where those who have never or rarely set foot above ground struggle with the brightness of unfiltered sunlight.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Dwarves are known as being master craftsmen, miners, and architects. Their cities are hewn into solid stone hundreds of feet underground, and therefore they take great care to ensure the stability of all their caverns and structures. Even moreso in the post-rift era. And unlike the elves, they have not relied on magic, but manpower, to construct the wonders of their civilization.

Common Dress Code

Caves are cold, and although dwarves are well adapted to their underground environment, sometimes a layer of fat is still not enough insulation. So dwarven fashion is many-layered to stave off the chill.   Because they raise few animals, leather is in short supply and therefore usually reserved for shoes and small accessories like gloves and belts. Fabrics instead are woven of goat hair or the silk of cave spiders or worms which are raised for this purpose.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves have had close diplomatic ties to humanity for thousands of years. It is said that they even had a representative on the council of the King of Garamor before the kingdom's fall. Today those close relations are maintained despite the human diaspora, and trade routes run from Everhost to every major human city. Perhaps prompted by the spread of humans, dwarves have also established trade ties with the Kentier and the Elves.
400-500 years
Average Height
4' - 5'
Average Physique
Bulkier than the other races, dwarves adapted to their cold underground halls by developing a layer of insulating fat not unlike the blubber of sea mammals.

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