Rhil'Heeyl Settlement in Edus - Ancient Kingdoms | World Anvil


The High Elven Great Court Homeland of the Gothmyri Elves

The maghty and magical city of Rhil'Heeyl (pronounced: Rile-he-yell) is a major point of call to any and all adventurers. The closed off Elven culture has recently been opened up to all peaceful races, allowing the other mortals to see behind the closed doors of Elven way of life. If there was anywhere on Edus that one could learn about Elves; it is in Rhil'Heeyl.

  Location: Located in the North Western corner of Gothmyr, in the Western side of the ancient Brambledeep Forest. It is a section of forest with massive ravines and waterfalls. Surrounded by natural falls, caves, rises and steppes within the canopy of the Brambledeep.

There is currently a dual leadership in the Rhil'Heeyl Court. King Maelobhar Maeladh rules everything around and outside the city. He is head of the Rhil'Heeylan rangers, the standing army, and the cavalry. Queen Ceareala Terilahi rules the city, it's inhabitants and all things that happen within the city. Maelobhar and Ceareala are not married, but have their own partners, and rule as related cousins. They hold court in Rhil'Heeyl with the King of the Wood Elves from the surrounding woods, and their court barons and baronesses.

  Both King and Queen are kind, progressive and forthright in their understanding of their citizens, protecting the sanctity of Elvish culture, while still trying to undo the Great Offense their forefathers committed those thousands of years ago. They broke bread and supped with the Prince of Gothmyr, a half drow in the very same court that once sought to destroy those of the Prince's kind.

  Maelobhar is still strong of will, and at times, hot-headed when it comes to the defense of his city. He protects the entire forests of Gothmyr with his people's survival as the top priority, but all Gothmyri people a close second. His Rangers cover the entirety of the Brambledeep and even help keep Ravenshold contained.

  The People:
The citizens of Rhil'Heeyl Are mainly high elves. wood elves make up the major minority, with some gray elves and even a few halflings. People of Rhil'Heeyl are polite, friendly and never standoffish, even to strangers. Offering to help anyone out in need of directions, opinions or even just a few coins to spare. The outlook of Rhil'Heeylians is mainly optimistic.

  One thing they do guard, is their magic. Casting spells in front of strangers or visitors is considered as offensive as running nude through a nobles dinning party. Magic is to be kept for the Elves, and only elves. A simple cantrip here, and a simple spell there, is what is believed to what led to the loss of Blood magic to the outside world. This cannot happen again.

Areas of Interest:
  • The Fey Court (King and Queens Council chamber)
  • The Landed Griffon - Noble restaurant, tavern, and Inn, with landing pad on roof for flying steeds!
  • Paltry Rewards - Opulent trinket shop and goods. High level prices for high level quality goods. (SOME disposable magical items {potions etc} found here)
  • Seylirals Bathhouse - Pamper and bath house. Massages, oil baths, rubdowns and mud baths. Steam and waterfall massages a specialty.
  • The Golden Fletching - High Elven quality Bowyer Fletcher. Wood elven detail and sturdiness. Beautiful crafted bows, crossbows, and arrows.
  • Dalraina's leathers - Leatherworker, armorsmith. Beautiful work, good quality, but pricey.
  • The Golden Rangers - Magical set of thirty golden hued golems, fifteen foot tall guardians, around the city grounds.
  • Terylifee Waterfalls - magical waters from natural Few springs. (Rumored to be dimensional portals from plane of water. Good bathing, socializing area.
  • Grand Elven Library and Sagery - Over forty thousand books, scrolls, manuscripts and carvings, plus a dozen sages on hand to answer questions.
  • School of High Sorcere - Elvish college of magical training and tutelage. Must be some part elvish to attend major classes.
  • Great Druid Circle - Ancient Life tree in druid circle. Druids perform ceremonies there. Awe inspiring.


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