The Orthodox Church of Oros Organization in Edras, Cradle of Monsters | World Anvil
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The Orthodox Church of Oros

A monotheistic bastardization of the Brisingelion that claims Oros is the one, true deity and all others are pale reflections or lesser servants. Only practiced in Isill, the ecclesiarchy of this church holds absolute power in the kingdom and wields that power to launch bloody crusades against its neighbors in an effort to eradicate their heretical belief systems. The Orthodox Church of Oros, with the Grand Ecclesiarch at its head, marches forth from the walls of Isill with its armies of inquisitors, scrutators, and holy executioners. On the home front, the church controls nearly every aspect of life, turning fathers against sons and brothers against brothers in an effort to build a “perfect” reverent society.
Religious, Sect


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