The World of Edhel lays on the Prime Plane, the first plane to be created. The Prime plane is a earth like world of an immense size , huge and teeming with secrets. Players can explore continent sized biomes as they trek through harsh deserts on Sandrails, or through deep jungle underbrush to discover ancient truths and lost people, Travel to the frigid and frozen tundras to explore the nomadic peoples and learn of their history and what they stand against, Lush huge city scapes with plenty of urban and magical escapades, Sail the deep seas while on the watch for leviathans and krakens as well as pirates and naga, Explore deep forests like the Ironwoods and maybe you too can find the fabled Cathedral of Broken Worlds.
A vast world is home to vast problems. The Prime Plane and Edhel in specific are jewels of wealth beyond any other and as such are targets for some of the cosmos inhabiting entities. From the High Heavens seeking to instill a sense of good and preforming a crusade upon Edhel, to the Seven Hells seeking to corrupt and divert individuals to establish a foothold. Or other cosmic bouts that are hidden waiting to be discovered, Edhel is the center to a great many things. Gods and Devils, Abstract forces of chaos and the unbridled fury of order seek to control the Prime Plane as well as Lichs and a host of other Edhel bound threats. Protecting the Plane and controlling or driving off the threats that seek to dominate is no small task but there are factions that will help or possibly have similar goals. Though there is rumor of places that Gods, Devils, and Evil its self fear to tread. Seeking out the secrets of the cosmos is not for those weak of body or mind.
Magic is new to this World setting. Due to events that happened in the distant and yet not distant past magic has only in the past 100 years began to bud and blossom. Humans for instance in their few kingdoms have high wizards of only a spell level of 4 and maybe 5. A 4th level mage in this setting would be seen by the general population of most races as something almost divine as most common folk only whisper of magic and have never seen or encountered it. While player characters will undoubtedly be surpassing these casters at some point and making them something of a minor threat, Magic continues to grow in strange ways and the 5th level Archmage who might be the mightiest wizard in all the lands still may not, for all his spells and rituals know of darker magical forces brewing elsewhere in the dark crevices of the world. As such as players climb the magical hierarchy So too will the lands magic users. Player characters that play mages should after a time be something of a unique and legendary caster.
The Races that inhabit Edhel and the Prime Plane are numerous and each is unique.
The Human Nations of Man are a group of kingdoms that seek to understand all that is and all that ever will be. They explore, create machines of wonder and ruin, and generally go where ever the wind blows them. Warriors that stand firm are how most Humans are remembered.
The Leonin Prides of the savanah plains are a proud and peaceful Cat-like hummanoids with a nomadic culture moving wherever the herds take them. Spiritual and feeling a connection to the savanah they Guard secrets and war war with Savage barbarians. Theirs is a bloody past and is likely to be a bloody future after a split in the prides caused a civil war that nearly wiped out the entire race. War clerics and priests are common to the Leonin.
The Loxodon Enclaves are a race of elephant hummanoids. Wise and long living, strong of heart and body the Loxodon Enclaves Stand firm upon the edges of the savanahs and hold mighty strongholds on the a few of the plains that dot Edhel. They are also stubborn in their pursuits deeming that any who stand before them will be trampled beneath them. They guard secrets of an old and ancient enemy and hold keys to their prison. Loxodon value the natural world and the greenery in it. Druids are common in the Loxodon Enclaves.
The Elven Nations are a bit of a different story when it comes to magic. Being that elves are so long lived there are no gaps in the magical knowledge like their might be in the human world (Magical knowledge being passed down from master to student) The elves live a xenophobic isolationist lifestyle int he deep places in the forests. Not hostile unless provoked they are often misunderstood pragmatists. They sing their cities out of the trees leading to wondrous huge living cities full of thousands of elves. Their long life makes them see reproduction in a different light. It is something they seldom due and children are uncommon if not rare in most elvish communities. Long life also affords them the luxury of mastering many many trades. It is not uncommon for an adult elf to wholly devote themselves to a specific interest spending decades and even centuries perfecting it to its utmost. Elves are an eccentric and intelligent race most becoming a wizard or mage in some form or fashion.
The Dwarven Clans are what one would call the collection and ordering of the major dwarven families. Industrious and hardworking by nature the dwarven halls are a thing rarely seen but legends speak of wondrously designed and lavishly furnished halls. Tunnels of white marble and gold in some places and halls of rare ironwood and mithral. The dwarves wealth is something that dragons slobber greedily in their sleep over. Well armed and even more well trained the halls of the major dwarf clans are considered to be unbreachable and their armies immortal. Dwarves themselves are a cheerful beer swilling warriors. A shorter race standing at their shortest of 3'8" and their tallest at 4'5" they are more than make up for it in the muscle department wildly and effortlessly swinging their axes and swords with out breaking a seat while clad in their impressive heavy armor. A common saying is a single heavy dwarf is worth ten swordmens any day, give the dwarf a keg of ale and its twenty. A focused and deadly juggernaut Dwarves find themselves being call barbarians by their enemies.
The Hissho are a race of feudal war like avians common to their jungle island of Uchi. Dominated by a now extinct civilization and forced to fight as gladiators, the Hissho grew to honor this lifestyle becoming the deadly warriors that the crowd came to see. The blade became the way of the Hisso and soon their masters disappeared. The Hissho now free from their service searched for answers to where their masters went. Taking up residence in their old masters cities the Hissho became the dominate race on the Isle of Uchi. Now the Hissho seek to learn about the rest of Edhel. Will they bring war and honnor to the rest of Edhel or choose a more peaceful path?
These are a few of the many playable and diverse races of Edhel. Each unique and offering something for players to explore and interact with.