Karney Character in Edda | World Anvil
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Along roads and hillocks, one can find a shabby scrawny man, crying out for anyone to help him. He has been hounded, beaten, and driven out by anyone who thinks him a nuisance, a common beggar. A beggar he is not, but assistance he needs. Karney is on one simple mission: to burry the remains of his departed wife. Wrongly accused she was of being a witch, and her body was scattered upon her death. Like any good and dutiful husband, Karney seeks to find the pieces of his wife's body, give them a proper burial, and maybe, just maybe, she can find some peace.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Karney was an older gentleman, with a stocky build. He was shorter than average with a mixture of fat and muscle that gave him his frame.

Facial Features

Missing right eye.

Special abilities

Karney had an array of magical abilities. He could teleport as well as cast fireballs, lightning, and other magical projectiles. In combat he used Hallgerd's Staff that dealt a combination of frost and necrotic damage. He could also teleport people to another dimension, which suggests that he was a lot stronger than he let on. If he didn't have Hallgerd's Staff, there is a possibility that he wouldn't have been able to use certain abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Karney was dressed in every day common clothes, and carried around Hallgerd's staff.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Karney is a human traveler who was married to a healer/wise woman named Hallgerd. Hallgerd was condemned as a foul sorcerer and put to death. Her body was taken apart and scattered. Karney set out on a quest by himself to recover his wife's body. His travels took him to the Highlands that are north of Lerwick where he recovered Hallgerd's arm. Before Hallgerd died, she tought Karney a thing or two. The locations of his wife's body are magically marked on places of his map. His journey then took him north to the lake town of Mousa in Calanais. His map took him to a cave by the lake where unbeknownst to him, had been a site of several child murders. Someone found Karney, and the townspeople made him the next victim in their long line of scapegoats. Karney was hung but his powers helped him survive. Karney ran into the woods where a party of adventurers caught up to him and questioned him. Karney told them his tale and asked for their help. The adventurers complied. They journeyed to this cave where Karney was looking and defeated a coven of sea hags. The party safely concluded that these sea hags were responsible for the murders, and they had Hallgerd's leg. The leg was returned to Karney, and Karney asked if these adventurers could help him recover the rest of his wife's remains. They agreed. Karney magically marked the locations on their map and went on his way.   After killing the sea hags, this group of adventurer's named themselves The Guardsmen. As they collected the pieces of Hallgerd, Karney was able to track their progress. As The Guardsmen continued to find Hallgerd's pieces, they became increasingly suspicious, as each piece they found was guarded by monsters. After doing some research, The Guardsmen figured out that Karney & Hallgerd are not all who they claim. In their readings, the adventurers figured out that Hallgerd was the name of a powerful hag that existed several hundred years ago. This Hallgerd was later killed by a team of blood hunters, paladins, and clerics. The Guardsmen decided to then try and deceive Karney to foil whatever plot he had.   To their chagrin, Karney followed them to Aunt Polly's Magic Shop in the city of Marlun. Karney confronted the party, transporting them to an alternate dimension where they did battle. Karney unleashed his magical abilities on the adventurers. Teleporting, throwing lightning, fireballs, and other sorts of magic projectiles. One of the adventurer's was able to fell Karney with his arrow. As Karney hit the ground, Aunt Polly teleported into the dimension, transporting all of them out. She took hold of Karney's face, uttering strange words and incantations that no one understood. Karney screamed out in pain as the room darkened and he was turned to cinders. Whatever plot he had with the hag Hallgerd burned away with him.

Personality Characteristics


To resurrect the fallen hag Hallgerd


Contacts & Relations

  • Hallgerd
  • The Guardsmen
  • Aunt Polly

Family Ties

Karney claimed that Hallgerd was his wife. Whether this is true or not isn't fully known. He may have been her familiar, and the spousal story could've been part of his plot to bring her back. Or he might've been both. Whatever the case, it will remain a mystery.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Date of Death
August 2, 1334 A.C.
Year of Death
1334 A.C.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by The Guardsmen & Aunt Polly
175 lbs.
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Abyssal

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Cover image: by Marius Janusonis
Character Portrait image: Witcher III Gwent Card by N/A


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