Kaolin Character in Edda | World Anvil
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Character created by Kincaid McMinn

Kaolin Kanoni

A towering figure, Kaolin Kanoni is a firbolg blood hunter who belongs to the Order of the Lycan. He's originally from the Greenwood, but left after a growing necrotic rot consumed his hometown, threatening not only himself, but his family as well. He left in search of answers, trying to bring an end to the threat of his home and people. He would later come into contact with, and join an adventuring group known as, The Guardsmen. Together, they've gone on a multitude of quests, where Kaolin has been seen throwing himself into the forefront of battle, fiercely raging against all who come near. He is as deadly as he is loyal, and is protective of any he calls family or friend.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Being a firbolg, Kaolin is a large domineering figure, standing 7 feet 8 inches. He towers over most, and coupled with his blood hunter training, he has developed a strong muscular physique. All of this added with the many scars he has attained from his hunts has given him quite the intimidating feel.

Special abilities

Being part of the Blood Hunter's Order of the Lycan, Kaolin can go into a semi-wolf transformation during battle. This hybrid form--so to speak--enhances his strength, speed, endurance, and constitution against certain attacks. Kaolin can also draw upon certain elemental abilities by wounding himself; using his blood as a source of energy to draw upon his magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Having been born and raised in the firbolg village of Yvebel is whole life, the great elven forest known as the Greenwood is what Kaolin used to call home. Growing up, there was nothing about Kaolin's life that would necessarily be called spectacular or fantastic. But even so, he would find love in the form of his wife, Daephyra, and together they would have a son named Kadmos. Those first few years are what Kaolin clings to. Continuing his life in Yvebel with Daephyra and young Kadmos, he wanted for naught, was settled and content. That was, until the rot came...   At first it was slow. A few flowers and plants withering away. Those of Yvebel and the surrounding elven and firbolg settlements found it strange, but not unnatural. Nothing lasts forever, and even the plants move on. Then it was the trees. Their leaves began to fall, the bark became twisted, sickly, bloated, and broken. Fungus popped up like tulips in the spring, and it was now clear, that whatever this was, it was sweeping through like waves breaking onto the shore. Nothing was safe from its touch. Nothing. Plants, animals, elves, firbolgs, and beloved Daephyra. Kaolin remembers it as if it were yesterday. She fell ill like many others throughout the vast forest. A simple fever that escalated, taking on a life of its own. One afternoon, Kaolin was attending her bedside during one of her coughing fits, and Daephyra suddenly disintigrated before his eyes. Her flesh and fur melting away revealing nothing, but bones, which eventually turned to dust. Heartbroken, horrified, and helpless, Kaolin took his young son, fleeing to the elven capital of Tir na Nog.    Like many other elves and firbolgs, they fled to the elven capital as refugees to flee the oncoming rot. Having family living within the city, Kaolin was safely able to get himself and his son inside, living with his sister-in-law, Lyra. Wishing to take the fight to the rot, Kaolin left his young son in the care of his departed wife's sister, in the hopes to find a way to combat whatever it was that destroyed his home. In leaving the Greenwood, Kaolin heard rumors to the east of an ancient order of warriors who reside within the Eastern Wood. An order of monster slayers known as the Blood Hunters. In journeying there, Kaolin eventually found his way to a fortress known as the Boltan Stronghold. It is here, that the Blood Hunter Order of the Lycan resides. Monster hunters who tap into the fury of nature in order to confront the darkness abroad. It was here that Kaolin studied under a Skofnung Blood Hunter named Ylva, and after his training was complete, Kaolin set off into the world to slay monsters, and hopefully find a way to end the rot plaguing his home.    The firbolg blood hunter's travels eventually took him to the city of Culmkerk in the Kingdom of Calanais. One evening in a tavern, he was quietly minding his own business, reading one of his books in the corner of the establishment. A motley group of adventurers came through the door: a human paladin, dwarf monk, human ranger, and half-elf bard. They were soon beset upon by a knight and a couple thugs. After assisting this group, becoming embroiled in the conflict, Kaolin's journey would take on a new path.




After leaving his home in the Greenwood, Kaolin traveled to the Blood Hunter Order of the Lycan's headquarters. This is the Boltan Stronghold, which is located within the Eastern Wood, centered in the Kingdom of Dalraddia. It is here, Kaolin was instructed in the ways of combat, survival, monster hunting, and where he was finally given the hunter's bane--making him a fully fledged blood hunter.


After the dramatic events that turned Kaolin's world upside down, he ventured east to join the Blood Hunter's Order of the Lycan. He trained there until he became a fully realized Blood Hunter, taking his services to hunt down monsters wherever they may be. Kaolin also became affiliated with an adventuring party known as The Guardsmen, and currently travels with them as one of their members.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Being a blood hunter, Kaolin takes much pride in many of his completed hunts. Saving people, helping towns, and doing good where he can. Gaining some coin and recognition along the way never hurt either. These creatures that Kaolin hunts are categorized by the order as fey, fiends, or undead. Kaolin's specialty is with the fey.

Failures & Embarrassments

Even though it was out of his power and control, Kaolin considers the death of his wife his biggest failure. He constantly feels like he could've done something more, like getting his family away from Yvebel before the rot took her. These are things he dwells on constantly.

Personality Characteristics


Kaolin's ultimate goal through becoming a Blood Hunter and joining The Guardsmen, is to find what plagues the Greenwood. He wishes to find a source to the rot, end it, and hopefully he and his son can return to a normal life.

Likes & Dislikes

Kaolin has a fondness for reading. In his spare time he can always be found catching up on the latest book he has bought. He is well read and versed in many different fiction stories such as the Knave and the Necklaces, and Scabby Dab & the Spooky Crew.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Loyal
  • Patient
  • Protective
  • Paternal
  • Flexible

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Stubborn
  • Abandoned his child with his wife's sister and rarely returns home


Contacts & Relations

  • Kuonrad
  • Vladimir
  • Leigh
  • Wendel
  • Simo
  • Theo
  • Ylva
  • Lord Rendran
  • Lord Yarwood
  • Commander Ewyn
  • Blood Hunter Order of the Lycan
  • Aunt Polly
  • Agnes
  • Croglin Grange
  • Karney
  • Valravn

Family Ties

  • Daephyra: Wife (deceased) 
  • Kadmos: Son
  • Lyra: Sister-in-Law
Yvebel, Greenwood
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue/gray
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What do you mean 'The Guardsmen' is a working title? You son of a bitch!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Common 
  • Giant
  • Sylvan

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Cover image: To the Mountains by UnidColor
Character Portrait image: N/A by N/A


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