Aunt Polly Character in Edda | World Anvil
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Aunt Polly

Unknown (a.k.a. Aunt Polly, Aunty Viola, Aunty Annis, Grandma Marrie, Mother Goethel, Mama Orla, Granny Marina, Lady Michael, Miss Mooney)

Throughout the continent of Laurentia is a mysterious old woman who goes by many names. To some she is Aunt Polly, others Mother Goethel, and even still, some call her Lady Michael. Her names may vary, but one thing remains the same; her shop. She runs a magic shop full of trinkets and wares, containing items that many can only dream of. Any are welcome to venture into her shop, and peruse her wares, but the cannot leave until you buy something.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aunt Polly is a tiny little old woman who appears quite frail. She is hunched over with a shawl drawn over her shoulders and head. Despite her perceived frailty she is quite quick.

Special abilities

Aunt Polly is a well known magic user, but the extent of her abilities remains a mystery. She can use basic magical abilities such as opening doors, and identifying scrying spells. When the Guardsmen fought Karney, Aunt Polly demonstrated a taste of her true powers by traveling into the dimension where Karney had taken the adventurers and banished him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aunt Polly is the owner of several stores full of magical items and wares. These stores are spread throughout the continent of Laurentia all with their own unique names. Presumably these are also Aunt Polly's guises in these kingdoms. As in Calanais she is Aunt Polly, but in Dalraddia she is Grandma Marie, and so on. Whatever her real name is, is unknown. She can travel between her magic shops with a magical color wheel that can take her to certain destinations. Aunt Polly runs her shop with the help of her assistant Moryn, who is an elderly man that is constantly frowning. Aunt Polly is also a shrewd business woman who never lets a customer leave until they have found something they like. Her extensive knowledge of magical items is uncanny, and the exact extent of her magical power isn't quite clear. When encountering The Guardsmen (who according to her are her "favorite" customers) she demonstrated basic abilities by shutting the door on Vladimir preventing him to leave. But when The Guardsmen did battle with Karney, she was able to travel to the plane where they were transported, retrieve a magical staff that had been broken and cast into the void, bring everyone back to the material plane, and banish Karney. It is clear she is quite powerful, but her intentions and methods remain a mystery.


It is quite clear that Aunt Polly is an adept magic wielder. As for where she learned to harness these powers, or learned to acquire them is not known.


Aunt Polly runs an assortment of magic shops throughout Laurentia. Each shop is named after one of her guises/aliases. They're all the same shop & building, because she can travel to each location with a magic color wheel located at the door of her shop. To sum it all up, she is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aunt Polly wouldn't be where she is without being a shrewd business woman. She sees every opportunity as an opportunity to make money. She is able to read situations, moving and meandering for things to fall into the places that she needs. A great manipulator, able to get anyone to buy something in her shop.

Personality Characteristics


Make as much money as possible.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Motherly
  • Direct
  • Hospitable
  • Friendly
  • Receptive

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Belligerent
  • Aggressively persuasive 
  • Stubborn
  • Secretive 


Contacts & Relations

  • The Guardsmen
  • Moryn

Family Ties

Aunt Polly keeps the cards of her personal life quite close to her chest. She does reveal though, that she has 4 daughters, and a grandson, but she does not disclose their names.
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Her shop
150 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You can't leave my shop until you have bought something!"
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Dwarvish
  • Orc
  • Sylvan
  • Abyssal
Character Prototype
Aunty Wainwright

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