Guanglong wucaii Species in Eco | World Anvil
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Guanglong wucaii

Guanglong wucaii is a genus of tyrannosauroid dinosaur which lives in the valleys of Yunhai.

Basic Information


Guanglong wucaii is quite one of the smallest animals of Mesos, reaching lengths of around 3 meters and 1 meter in height.

Guanglongs have two arms and two legs with three fingers each. They have a slim snout with a distinctive crest.Their body is quite light-build, designed mainly for speed.

Biological Traits

Guanglong wucaii differ between its life as it grows. Juveniles have long arms and small crests. As they reach adulthood, their arms become shorter relative to the size and their crests becomes larger. The crest also adapts bright colors that announce that the individual has reached adulthood.

Genetics and Reproduction

When two adult Guanglongs of opposite sex that are unpaired meet each other, they start doing growls and showing off their crest. If they both see the other to be fit to pair with, they copulate in an act known as a "cloacal kiss".They will copulate continuously during the following days until the female gets pregnant and rejects any attempts of the male to reproduce.

After two weeks, the female will build a nest. Days later, the female will lay from 3 to 6 eggs in the nest. This eggs last 3 weeks to hatch. During that time, the parents take turns to watch over them and to hunt.

Growth Rate & Stages

Guanglong wucaii has a long growth time compared to other species of similar size. To reach sexual maturity, this theropod needs to survive for at least 3 years. During the first year and a half, the body of the hatchlings and juveniles grows mainly in size. Around the second year, the juveniles start developing quicker their crest and colors. At this stage they are considered subadults. Around the third year, they have fully developed and are ready to get a mate and form their own families.

Ecology and Habitats

Guanglong wucaii

prefers dense and humid forests. They tend to form their nests close to mountain ridges that are away from the more populated water supplies of Yunhai.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Guanglong wucaii is a carnivore. They rather hunting over scavenging but will take any easy food available to them. They usually rely on ambush since they are not as fast as other carnivores of similar size. They also tend to aim for the head and neck of the animals they hunt.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Guanglongs are usually find in units composed by two parents (in rare occasions three) of opposite sex and their chicks. The parents gathered food and take care of the chicks until they reach adulthood, moment where they are expelled from their territory to live alone. The social structure of Guanglong wucaii resembles that of Tyrannosaurus rex in many characteristics.

Facial characteristics

Guanglong wucaii has a very distinctive crest which grows from the tip of the snout to the eyes. This large crests have very bright colors and are used to distinguish males from females.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Guanglong wucaii inhabit the mountains and valleys of Yunhai . Very few walk down into the limits with Selvada or Templer due to territorial disputes with other animals.

Average Intelligence

Although not the smartest of creatures, Guanlongs are known to live close to villages to hunt from the livestocks as an easy meal.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Guanglong wucaii has one of the best eyesight in Yunhai. Their smell is quite sensitive as well, picking up scents for more than a kilometer away.
Scientific Name
Guanglong wucaii
Shishugou Formation - Jurassic Period
15 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
1 meter
Average Weight
45 kilograms
Average Length
3 meters
Average Physique
Guanglongs are small and agile creatures which take advantage of their speed for hunting. However, their most physically derived characteristic is its bite force. For an animal of its size, Guanglong wucaii has a very strong bite which it uses to grab onto prey and bleed it out until it dies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
This animal has blue and gray feathers all around its body. Their crest are very colorful and diverse. There are various combinations described like red with yellow, sometimes blue and purple and sometimes even greens.

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Cover image: by Raul Martin


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