How do languages work? in Eclipseworld | World Anvil
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How do languages work?

Alrighty, so that there's the language tree! AKA how the languages of the world evolved out of each other. If I was a real hardcore worldbuildingcel, there would be way way more! But as is, there's all the classic D&D languages, plus some extras for each of the organized countries, basically. All this extra work stems from the fact I don't like that the "human language" in D&D is "Common." Like, way to be anthropocentric, Wizards of the Coast, smh.   On to the actually important things! Gameplay!   If the language you know (lang A) is once removed (one connector between) from the language you're trying to understand (lang B), you have a 50% chance of understanding it. This means you have two choices in game; you can either flip a coin and either know exactly what lang B says or not know anything, OR you take the other option, which is I (the super cool GM) give you a really garbled, half-cocked idea of what lang B is saying.   This 50/50 chance compounds with each separation between langs A and B. For example, if the lang A is Retriesh, and lang B is Imperial Draconic, you have a 25% chance of getting it. You have the same choice as before, but instead of flipping a coin you need to get a 4 on a 4-sided die. If lang A is Retriesh, and lang B is Primordial, you have a one-in-eight chance of getting it, etc.   This works in only one direction at a time. Basically it can't go Gostainish --> Gnomish --> Sylvan --> Elvish, because that doesn't make sense. In the end its up to GM discretion, because I'm in charge >:D and also 9 times outta 10 I want y'all to succeed and be able to know things about my cool cool secret lore :D!!

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