Hunters Guild


Guildmaster: At the helm of the Hunters Guild is the Guildmaster, the highest-ranking individual who oversees the overall operations and strategic direction of the organization. The Guildmaster is responsible for making important decisions, setting policies, and ensuring the guild's adherence to its core values and principles. They also represent the guild in matters of diplomacy and negotiate with clients and stakeholders. There is one Guildmaster and one council per locale.   Council of Elders: Assisting the Guildmaster is a Council of Elders, comprising seasoned and respected hunters who have demonstrated exceptional skills and knowledge over the years. The Council of Elders acts as an advisory body, providing guidance, wisdom, and expertise to the Guildmaster and the guild as a whole. They help shape the guild's long-term vision and act as mentors to younger hunters.   Contract Administrator: The Contract Administrator serves as the primary liaison between the guild and the community members who bring forth potential contracts. They assess the feasibility and viability of each contract, negotiate payment terms, and manage the administrative aspects of assigning contracts to hunters. The Contract Administrator ensures fair and transparent contract distribution and maintains records of completed contracts.   Master Hunter: The Master Hunter is a prestigious title bestowed upon hunters who have achieved exceptional mastery in their craft. They are highly skilled individuals with extensive experience in hunting monsters and creatures. Master Hunters not only take on complex and dangerous contracts themselves but also serve as mentors and trainers for aspiring hunters. They provide guidance, impart knowledge, and train hunters in advanced techniques.   Hunters: The core members of the Hunters Guild are the hunters themselves. They are skilled individuals who accept contracts from the community and undertake the challenging task of hunting down monsters and creatures. Hunters possess a range of combat, survival, and tracking skills, and they are committed to upholding the guild's values of courage, professionalism, and integrity. They undergo rigorous training and are organized into teams based on their specialties and expertise.   Novices: Novices are aspiring hunters who have recently joined the guild and are in the early stages of their training. They work under the guidance of experienced hunters and undergo rigorous training programs to develop their skills and knowledge. Novices participate in lower-risk contracts and gradually gain practical experience and proficiency before they are promoted to full-fledged hunters.
Guild, Professional


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