Butterskull Farm Plot in Eberron: Forged in Flame & Blood | World Anvil
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Butterskull Farm

Overview Butterskull Farm occupies a large plot of land, nestled between two hills. Beyond a ramshackle wooden fence stand corn fields, an apple orchard, gardens, and pasture land. A path breaks off from the trail to lead to a two-story farmhouse next to a pond.   Pigs harmlessly wander the fields, gardens, and orchard.   Exploring the Farmhouse The farmhouse is a two-story building with a cobblestone foundation, a pitched, shingled roof and a stone chimney. Its wooden doors are set with iron handles and hinges. Its windows are fitted with wooden shutters that can be bolted shut from inside.   Residents Big Al (Alphonse Kalazorn) currently owns the Butterskull farm. He purchased the farm from Ol Man Butterskull's widow. She took the coin and headed south for the warmer temps near Lake Galifar. Big Al employs between two to five farmhands (depending on the season) to help with the work.

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