Eberron: eternal chaos Transformative Events of Eberron Timeline
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Transformative Events of Eberron

Notable events in the known history of Eberron.

The Hath Empire

60000 40000

Eberron ruled by the Hath from their rise to dominance to their sudden unexplained demise. Referred to by those of a more mystical bent as "The Age of The Ancients"

  • -40000 YK

    The Cataclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    Approximate date of the fall of the Hath Empire as determined by archaeologists. Whatever happened caused a major upheaval of the world's land mass and many of the Hath cities were buried or submerged in the event.

The Age of Monsters

39000 3000

Chaotic era following the fall of the Hath Empire. Other races came into their own during this period and established their domains.

  • -38000 YK

    The first of the Goblin Kings comes to Power
    Political event

  • -25000 YK

    Formation of the Undying Court
    Religious event

The Age Of Magic

3100 0

The rediscovery of the Hath Ruins ushered in a new age of magic technology. Once dangerous and poorly understood forces were now usable by crafting tools from dragonshards.

  • -45 YK

    Galifar I is born in Korth
    Life, Birth

The Age of Kings

0 and beyond

Galifar I and his five scions - Cyre, Karrn, Thrane, Aundair, and Brey take control of the regions now known as the Five Nations of the Kingdom of Galifar.

  • 53 YK

    Galifar I Dies
    Life, Death

  • 498 YK

    House Tharashk Founded

    The invention of the Mark of Finding led to the rise of House Tharashk.

  • 783 YK

    789 YK

    Speaking Stones Developed
    Technological achievement

    The first speaking stones created by The Twelve. Communication across Eberron revolutionized as House Sivis message stations begin operations.

  • 845 YK

    865 YK

    Lightning rail network established
    Construction beginning/end

    King Jarot instigates a public works project to connect all of central Khorvaire via lightning rails. By 865, Lightning rail lines connect the Five Nations, Zilargo, the Mror Holds, and the Talenta Plains.

  • 894 YK

    King Jarot Dies
    Life, Death

    King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister's claim, and the Last War begins.

  • 895 YK

    996 YK

    The Last War
    Military action

  • 994 YK

    20 Olarune

    The Mourning
    Disaster / Destruction

    A magical blast of unprecedented power obliterates the nation of Cyre creating the Mournland. No one alive credibly claims credit for the destruction, and fear of the unknown brings the nations to the peace table.