Edward Nysfaece Character in Eberron: Eternal Chaos | World Anvil
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Edward Nysfaece

Sir Edward Nysfaece (a.k.a. Nice Face)

Edward was born to a middleclass family in the burbs. He didn't like the suburban lifestyle, so ran away from home when he was 13. However, he remains a momma's boy. When he shape-shifts, the only feature he retains no matter the subject's race is a tramp stamp of "momma" in a heart.   Edward soon taught himself to use a bow-and-arrow as runaway kids do.   He started his criminal career by changing into the form of an elderly person on remote roads to begged for money. Those who refused got their mounts shot with an arrow a few miles down the road. If they impolitely refused, the arrow may find its way into them instead.   Edward also bribed a nobleman to adopt him, allowing him to take on the title "Sir". He then blackmailed the nobleman over an affair Edward tricked him into by shape-shifting into a beautiful woman. When the nobleman refused to pay, Edward killed the nobleman. He later realized this is not how blackmail works, and that this was just a kidnapping with the extra step of sleeping with the victim (who, in this case, was unfortunate looking). Edward does not broadcast this blunder, but it's a pretty open secret. TO add salt to the wound, the nobleman's notary had died the week before the adoption and therefor was unavailable to file the paperwork. Edward still uses the "Sir" honorific out of principle, and also claims to be an orphan when advantageous.   These days, his sidehustle is as a skin care influencer. He uses his shapeshifter abilities to make skin care products seem to work in mere seconds. He also likes to pick on the less fortunate and ugly.   His main gig is as a hired gun for criminal enterprise.   Edward intends to one day return to his parents a successful man to save his mother from mediocrity and to tell off his dad (he practices the speech every night before bed. It rarely changes).

Handsome, charming, skin cream influencer

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Chaotic Neutral
Light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: Eye Nebula