Orion Regalgrove Character in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil

Orion Regalgrove


Orion is a middle-aged man with a sharp, calculating gaze. His well-groomed salt-and-pepper beard adds an air of authority to his demeanor. Dressed in fine, dark-colored garments adorned with intricate patterns, he always carries an air of professionalism.

Orion hails from a family of successful merchants. He purchased the former Reclaimer's Guild and started Ironton Arms and Outfitters, a thriving weapons and armor emporium. Orion transformed the business into a bustling hub of commerce, catering to the needs of adventurers, mercenaries, and commoners alike.

Black Market Connections: Rumor has it that Thorian has clandestine connections to the city's black market, allowing him to acquire rare and forbidden goods for the right price. Some even claim that he deals in magical artifacts of dubious origin.   Hidden Vaults: Whispers circulate that Thorian maintains secret vaults beneath Ironton Arms and Outfitters, where he hoards treasures acquired through his extensive trade networks. The contents of these vaults are said to include not only valuable merchandise but also mysterious artifacts of unknown power.   Unseen Rivalry: There's a murmur about an unseen rivalry between Thorian and a shadowy figure in the city's underground. Some believe this mysterious opponent is attempting to outmaneuver Thorian in the cutthroat world of trade, employing spies and saboteurs.   Favorable Deals with the Fey: A peculiar rumor suggests that Thorian has struck some kind of deal with the Feywild, gaining access to rare and magical goods in exchange for undisclosed services. Some claim to have seen otherworldly creatures lurking around Ironton Arms and Outfitters during the night.   Influence Over City Officials: Whispers of Thorian's influence over city officials and guards abound. It's said that he uses his considerable wealth to sway decisions in his favor and that those who cross him find themselves facing unexpected legal troubles.   Shady Past: There are tales of Thorian's involvement in less-than-legal enterprises before he rose to prominence. Some speculate that he might have ties to criminal organizations or participated in activities that remain hidden beneath the surface of his polished merchant facade.   Exotic Familiar: A peculiar rumor suggests that Thorian is accompanied by an exotic and mysterious familiar—an otherworldly creature with a keen intellect. Some believe this creature aids him in making shrewd business decisions and protects him from unseen threats.   Cursed Merchandise: Whispers persist about certain items sold by Ironton Arms and Outfitters being cursed or carrying dark enchantments. Some claim that Thorian knowingly deals in such items to gain an edge over his competitors or to exact revenge on those who cross him.   Mysterious Disappearances: There are stories of individuals who, after crossing Thorian or attempting to expose his secrets, mysteriously vanish without a trace. Some attribute these disappearances to Thorian's unseen influence or the work of his enigmatic allies.   Alleged Immortality: A fantastical rumor suggests that Thorian has discovered the secret to immortality and has been alive for centuries, using his vast wealth and knowledge to manipulate the course of events in the city to his advantage.  


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