Ezekial Finch Character in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil

Ezekial Finch

Race: Halfling Role: Lieutenant of Barnabus Thorpe, Partner in Crime   Background: Ezekial Finch is a wiry and cunning halfling who serves as the lieutenant to Barnabus Thorpe in their maritime ventures. Known for his thin frame and sharp mind, Ezekial's seemingly eccentric behavior masks a high-functioning schizophrenic condition that influences his perception of reality. His partnership with Barnabus started with a dark secret and evolved into a dangerous alliance built on mutual greed and ruthlessness.   Physical Description: Ezekial Finch stands at an average halfling height, his appearance belying the cunning mind that lies beneath. His unkempt brown hair and darting, paranoid eyes give him an air of unpredictability. Dressed in dark, practical clothing, Ezekial moves with a certain jitteriness that hints at his uneasy state of mind.

Personality Traits: Paranoia: Ezekial is quick to assume that everyone around him is trying to cheat or deceive him. This paranoia is a byproduct of his schizophrenia, making him a challenging ally to fully trust.   True Sight Delusion: Believing he possesses true sight, Ezekial often speaks to creatures that only he can see. These imagined conversations contribute to his sense of grandiosity and add an extra layer of unpredictability to his interactions.   Ruthless Opportunist: Driven by a desire for wealth and power, Ezekial is willing to exploit any opportunity that furthers his and Barnabus's goals. His ruthlessness makes him a dangerous player in the world of clandestine dealings.   Backstory: Ezekial Finch's descent into criminality began with a murder, the victim being a business rival who crossed his path. This act drew the attention of Barnabus Thorpe, who, instead of turning him in, saw an opportunity for a useful alliance. Barnabus blackmailed Ezekial, and what started as a relationship based on coercion transformed into a partnership founded on mutual greed, ruthlessness, and shared ambition.   Role in the Partnership: As Barnabus Thorpe's lieutenant, Ezekial handles various aspects of their embezzlement scheme. His paranoid nature and delusions of true sight make him a useful informant, though his unreliability keeps others on edge. Barnabus values Ezekial for his skills in manipulation and deception, but he's also aware of the unpredictable nature of his partner.  


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