Order of the Emerald Claw Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Order of the Emerald Claw

ОРДЕН Изумрудного Когтя Репутация рыцарского ордена Изумрудного Когтя бывает крайне противоречивой. Когда он только организовывал¬ся, то его девизом и духом был фанатичный Каррнатский патриотизм. Сегодня же, орден находится вне закона и больше похож на террористическую организацию, кото¬рая действует наперекор политике нации. Истина же ука¬зывает на происхождение ордена и то ужасное зло, кото¬рому он служит. С поверхностной стороны, Орден Изумрудного Когтя оказывается состоящим из небольшого числа фанатиков, преданных идее военного превосходства Каррната, кото¬рому такая преданность не желательна. Если копнуть ещё глубже, орден не имеет интереса в усилении или ослабле¬нии Каррната. Его истинной хозяйкой, неизвестной для всех кроме верхушки организации, является Вол, само¬провозглашенная Королева Мёртвых. Так что известность ордена подобна айсбергу, верхушка которого, поднимающаяся над волнами, ничего не может рассказать о том, что скрыто в глубине. Орден поддержи¬вает обширную сеть, чьи нити пронизывают все уровни Кхорвайрского общества. У него есть уши и глаза во всех правительствах, церквях, отмеченных драконом домах и частных организациях. Часть агентов никогда не раскры¬вает своего истинного обличья, другие заявляют об этом открыто и гордо, нося рыцарскую форму ордена. Вол использует Орден Изумрудного Когтя для установ¬ления атмосферы страха и террора, для посева зёрен не-доверия к правительству среди населения Карранта, ор¬ганизации беспорядков, а так же для выполнения боевых миссий в тех случаях, когда задачи выходят за пределы возможности последователей Крови Вол. Рыцари ордена прочёсывают мир в поисках реликвий и могущественных артефактов, и не стесняются воровать все последние но¬винки в области вооружений, которые создают изобрета¬тели и волшебники, в пользу Крови Вол. Форма, которую носят рыцари ордена, включает харак¬терный шлем, закрывающий половину лица, накидку со значком когтя поверх кольчуги, и увесистый цеп. What arose as an order of militant knights within the nation of Karrnath fell into disgrace and became a shattered remnant. The Order of the Emerald Claw now operates as a collection of cells of fanatical warriors, necromancers, and spies. On the surface, its members seem to be driven by Karrnathi patriotism, and they purport to be adherents of the Blood of Vol. The most cursory investigation reveals that claim to be a facade.
  The truth behind the Emerald Claw is that they serve the lich Lady Illmarrow, and in her name they carry out acts of destruction, murder, and necromantic terrorism. They have been linked to the theft of powerful items imbued with necromancy magic, and they often employ vicious undead minions that make even other Karrns uncomfortable. Most worshipers of the Blood of Vol are quick to point out that they don't accept the order's claim to membership in their faith, and those true worshipers vehemently reject the Emerald Claw's violent fanaticism.
  The Emerald Claw and the War During the Last War, Karrnath was forced to embrace the practice of necromancy to bolster the ranks of its army. At the same time, a number of chivalric orders were founded by devoted worshipers of the Blood of Vol. These groups included necromancers and bone knights that were trained to raise and command the undead troops used during the war. The Order of the Emerald Claw was one of the most infamous of these groups, renowned for its fighting skills but often sanctioned for its brutal treatment of enemy soldiers. The Emerald Claw were also accused of slaughtering civilians so they could be raised as skeletons or zombies—behavior that was strictly forbidden by the Karrnath commanders.
  When King Kaius III came to power near the end of the war, he turned against the Blood of Vol. The orders were disbanded, and many members of the Emerald Claw were condemned as war criminals. While the other orders complied with the king's edict, many knights of the Emerald Claw refused to surrender. The order fragmented as its original members scattered, but a number of those rebellious knights started their own cells, rallying all who wanted to see Karrnath achieve its rightful glory. The order experienced a surge in membership following the Treaty of Thronehold because many Karrns thought that Kaius III had betrayed their nation by embracing peace.
  Six years ago, shortly after Kaius's accession, a figure known as Lady Illmarrow emerged as the leader of the Order of the Emerald Claw. Few of her followers know anything about her, other than her great skill as a necromancer; many members of the Order refer to her as Queen of the Dead. Some members of the order believe she will ultimately raise Karrnath above all other nations. Others simply trust that she will grant them personal power. They believe that she is poised to become a god of death, and that when she ascends to divinity, they will be granted immortality or at least the eternal life of undeath.
  Library Vault Map 4.9 shows a library vault maintained by the Order of the Emerald Claw. The order collects dark materials and forbidden magic and holds them for safekeeping in these heavily defended locations. Each vault also functions as a chapter house or a sanctuary for a local cell.
  Library Vault Features Library vaults can be found in a variety of locations. Some of them are crypts or dungeons secreted away underground, while others are hidden in plain sight inside a home or a business. Whatever its specific location, a vault is always equipped with defensive features, some of which remain active even after the outer door is breached.
  Map 4.9: Library Vault
  (Player Version) Library Vault Adventures The Library Vault Adventures table outlines some possibilities for adventure involving one of these locations.
  Library Vault Adventures d6 Adventure Goal 1 Destroy a scroll containing an incantation that allows even non-spellcasters to animate the dead. 2 Steal the journal of a powerful necromancer that's being held in the vault's collection. 3 Trade a powerful dark magic weapon in return for the rescue of important hostages taken by the order. 4 Steal a suit of armor that contains the soul of a hero slain during the Last War. 5 Search the collection for information on the Queen of the Dead, or "Lady Illmarrow," as she is known. 6 Infiltrate the vault to get close to a new Emerald Claw recruit, then convince them to come to their senses and return to their family. Order of the Emerald Claw NPCs Given the undeniable nature of the order, villains associated with the Emerald Claw present an opportunity to provide characters with adversaries that are memorably evil, and that revel in their villainy.
  Emerald Claw NPCs d6 NPC 1 Though mortal, this fanatical warrior drinks the blood of those he slays in battle. 2 A cleric tries to convince her enemies to embrace the order, promising eternal life through undeath. 3 A noble with sympathies toward the order hides a cell's library vault within the grounds of their estate. 4 A suave vampire would rather charm its enemies than crush them in battle. 5 An artificer is obsessed with infusing necromantic curses into their construct creations. 6 A changeling necromancer often poses as a vampire or a mummy, even though it's still alive. Emerald Claw Campaign Themes At low levels, adventurers can clash with Emerald Claw skeletons and zombies. As the characters grow more capable, the threats escalate. They might have to protect a village from a necromancer who is sucking the life out of the land, or race through a dungeon to acquire a necromantic relic before the Claw can claim it. The Emerald Claw is ideally suited to pulp action; it's a force that is blatant in its villainy and has hordes of evil minions to do its bidding. Defeating the schemes of the Emerald Claw should always feel like the right thing to do.
  Although many members of the Emerald Claw believe that they are fighting for Karrnath, they are truly serving the lich Lady Illmarrow (see chapter 6). The greatest necromancer of the age, she seeks to unlock the secrets of her inactive dragonmark, the Mark of Death. If she succeeds, she could come to possess unimaginable power. This makes her a formidable villain to drive the action of an entire campaign.
  Emerald Claw Adventure Hooks The Emerald Claw Adventure Hooks table offers some options to kick off adventures featuring the Emerald Claw that take place outside their sanctuaries.
  Emerald Claw Adventure Hooks d8 NPC 1 What at first appears to be a renegade group of Aundairian soldiers turn out to be undead under the order's control. 2 The order strikes at a small keep, demanding the inhabitants surrender a particular volume from their library. 3 Investigating strange lights and sounds emanating from a crypt in the dead of night reveals the Emerald Claw experimenting on the corpses within. 4 The Emerald Claw violates graves near a small village, animating the corpses into undead laborers to help build an eldritch machine. 5 The Emerald Claw claims a village's town hall for its own use, and any who come near are attacked. The sounds of torture ring out from within the building. 6 Investigating disappearances among an elf community reveals that the Order of the Emerald Claw has been attempting to inscribe something like a dragonmark in their skin, then reanimating the failed experiments as zombies. 7 While searching for a magic item in Dhakaani ruins across southern Khorvaire, the characters discover that Emerald Claw agents are looking for the same thing and seem to have access to information the adventurers lack. 8 A large force of Emerald Claw knights offers the characters a choice: join the order, or submit themselves to death and an eternity of servitude from beyond the grave.
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