Languages in Eberron | World Anvil


In Eberron, languages reflect culture and geography; a dwarf raised in Breland might not know Dwarvish, but a halfling raised in the Mror Holds might. The historical development of languages and cultures also explains the scripts used to write various languages. For example, the Orc language is written using the Goblin script (rather than Dwarvish, as stated in the Player's Handbook), because the orcs of Khorvaire learned writing from the goblins.
  Common is the language of the Five Nations and the language of trade in Khorvaire, known by most of its people. Goblin was the trade language of the goblin empire of Dhakaan and survives as the primary language in Darguun, Droaam, and the Shadow Marches. Goblin displaced the Orc language; the people of the Shadow Marches typically speak Goblin, and Orc is an exotic language (see the Exotic Languages of Eberron table). Members of all races in Xen'drik speak Giant and use it as their trade language. Abyssal is the common tongue of all fiends. Abyssal is sometimes called "Khyber's Speech," while Celestial is "the tongue of Siberys."
  With the DM's approval, you can exchange a language granted by your race for a different language from the Standard Languages of Eberron table. If your halfling was raised in the Mror Holds, you might replace Halfling with Dwarvish to reflect that background. The DM may change the languages assigned to a monster or NPC. An ogre from Droaam likely speaks Goblin instead of Giant.
  Standard Languages of Eberron Language | Main Speakers | Script Common | The Five Nations, trade language of Khorvaire | Common Dwarvish | Mror Holds | Dwarvish Elvish | Aerenal, Valenar | Elvish Giant | Inhabitants of Xen'drik | Giant Gnomish | Zilargo | Dwarvish Goblin | Darguun, Droaam, Shadow Marches, monsters of Khorvaire | Goblin Halfling | Talenta Plains | Common Riedran | People of Sarlona | Common
  Exotic Languages of Eberron Language | Main Speakers | Script Celestial | Celestials | Celestial Daelkyr | Aberrations, denizens of Khyber | Daelkyr Draconic | Dragons, dragonborn | Draconic Infernal | Fiends | Infernal Orc | Isolated orc tribes | Goblin Primordial | Elementals | Primordial Quori | Inspired, kalashtar, quori | Quori Sylvan | Fey creatures | Elvish

Names and Surnames

  The naming conventions among the people of Khorvaire tend to follow language, rather than being linked to race. A Brelish dwarf who doesn't speak Dwarvish might also carry a name with a human origin rather than a traditional Dwarvish name.
  Most citizens of Khorvaire have a given name followed by a surname. A surname associated with the Common language is usually either a family name or related to an occupation or region of origin. So Sorn Fellhorn, Kara of Windshire, and Tellan Magewright are all names you might find among the common folk.
  The noble families of Galifar—along with those granted land and titles by one of the sovereigns of the Five Nations—add the prefix ir' to their surname. The name Darro ir'Lain tells you that this individual is a landed noble. The Wynarns were the royal line of Galifar, and the current rulers of Aundair, Breland, and Karrnath are all heirs of the Wynarn bloodline. Thus, Queen Aurala of Aundair is Aurala ir'Wynarn.
  Another common prefix is d', used by any heir of a dragonmarked house who has manifested a dragonmark. So Merrix d'Cannith is a member of House Cannith who has manifested the Mark of Making.
  These are the 30 biggest and most relevant languages in the setting, with information on who typically uses the language as well as what alphabet is used in its written form.
  | Typical speakers | Alphabet LANGUAGE Typical speakers Alphabet Abyssal Demons of Shavarath*Demons of Shavarath* Fiendish Aklo Khyber denizens Daelkyr
  Aquan Water-based creatures Tengwar Argon Argonessen & Seren tribes Galifaran Auran Air-based creatures Draconic Celestial Archons of Shavarath* Angelic Common Humans, hobbits, half-orcs, gnomes, khoravar, etc Galifaran Daan Inevitables, Formians, Modrons, & other lawful beings of Daanvi* Daavin Daelkyr Aberrations & beings of Xoriat* Daelkyr Draconic Kobolds, troglodytes, dragons Draconic Druidic Druids (only) Ogham Dwarven Dwarves Runic Elven Aereni, valenari, drow, umbragen Tengwar Giant Ogres, giants, drow Jotunn Gnoll Gnolls Galifaran Gnomen Gnomes Zil Goblinoid Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears Dhaakani Halfling Hobbits Galifaran Ignan Fire-based creatures Draconic Infernal Devils of Shavarath* Fiendish Irial Positive energy creatures of Irian* Draconic Kythric Proteans & Slaadi, the chaotic creatures native to Kythri* Daavin Mabran Nightshades & beings of Mabar* Draconic Orcish Orcs, half-orcs Dhaakani Quor Kalashtar & beings of Dal Quor* Quori Riedran Lower classes of Sarlona old Galifaran Risian Frost-beings, natives of Risia* Runic Sylvan Fey, azatas, beings of Thelanis* Tengwar Syranian Angels of Syrania* Angelic Terran Earth-based creatures Runic
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