Church of the Silver Flame in Eberron | World Anvil

Church of the Silver Flame

The Silver Flame is force of light that holds fiends at bay. Those who seek to defend the innocent from evil can draw on the power of the Flame. Every mortal soul can find the light. Inspire and guide others to virtuous behavior; force is a last resort. Listen to the Voice of the Flame; beware the deceiving whispers of the Shadow in the Flame. Every Thrane child knows the story of Tira Miron. Centuries ago, one of the ancient and powerful demons chained within the world broke free from its bonds, unleashing terrible suffering on the people of Thrane. The nation would have been destroyed if not for Tira Miron. This paladin was called by the Silver Flame and battled the mighty fiend. When it became clear that the overlord couldn't be destroyed, Tira gave her life, combining her spirit with the light of the Silver Flame to bind the demon once more. Now Tira serves as the Voice of the Flame, helping others find the light. Anyone who seeks to protect the innocent and battle evil can draw on the power of the Silver Flame to aid them, but they must beware of the Shadow in the Flame, the demon that still lingers and yearns to trick good people into evil.   The Korranberg Chronicle—No faith in Silver Flame top tyke The nation of Thrane shocked the world in 993 YK when it appointed a six-year-old child as Keeper of the Silver Flame, the supreme leadership position of the Church. Now eleven years old, Jaela Daran continues to astound all who encounter her. She possesses poise and wisdom beyond her years, and she displays the blend of courage and compassion that is the cornerstone of the faith. As Keeper of the Flame, she wields tremendous divine power; she has summoned angels to her side and resurrected Cardinal Halidor after his assassination. But some claim that these stories are fabrications and that Jaela is merely a figurehead for High Cardinal Krozen. The reclusive Krozen is a brilliant strategist and ruthless leader. Many believe that Krozen was behind the death of Keeper Tagor in 992 YK, suggesting that he supported the child Keeper to solidify his own influence. Is Krozen the true power behind the Flame?   A pillar of argent fire marks the point of Tira's sacrifice, the center of the modern church. This pillar, located in Flamekeep, is a manifestation of the Silver Flame, not the source of its power.   The church's templars stand ready to protect the innocent from supernatural threats, battling undead, fiends, and aberrations. Friars and ministers fight evil by doing good, performing acts of compassion and charity across Khorvaire. In contrast to the Sovereign Host, the church maintains a defined structure and creed. Archbishops monitor regions; cardinals lead the church; and the ultimate authority is the Keeper of the Flame, who maintains the font in Flamekeep and communes with Tira Miron.   The Last War had a serious impact on the church. Leaders still respected the Keeper's authority over spiritual matters, but the war wasn't about good or evil. Templars of all nations still joined together to fight demons, but if no supernatural threat was present, they fought for their own nations. This division allowed cracks to form in the foundation. In Breland, some priests fell prey to greed or forged ties to criminal organizations. In Aundair, a zealous faction known as the Pure Flame advocates using violence rather than compassion as the primary tool for rooting out evil. And in Thrane, the church has become the ruling body. While still driven by Tira's principles of redemption and sacrifice, the intrusion of politics means that some come to the faith seeking power rather than purely to do good.   In creating a follower of the Silver Flame, decide whether you are bound to the church or simply inspired by its principles. As a paladin, are you part of the templar order, or were you a farmer called to action by the Voice of the Silver Flame?   The Silver Flame is centered in Thrane, but it has a strong presence in Breland and Aundair, and followers across Khorvaire. Members of the Pure Flame sect treat some species—notably shifters and changelings—with suspicion, but the faith holds that people of all races should stand together.   Symbol The faith's symbol is a stylized flame inlaid with silver. A silver arrowhead etched with the symbol serves as a common token, worn as a necklace.   Rites The Silver Flame has no need of prayers or offerings; instead, services focus on the parishioners, encouraging virtuous behavior. Church hierarchy is strictly observed, and only ordained priests can perform services.   Archery is a devotional practice of the Silver Flame, used both as a means of meditation and a martial art. Communities devoted to the Flame engage in archery training, and villages have militias of peasant archers.   Temples Fortresses of the Silver Flame are designed to serve as templar garrisons and to provide sanctuary against supernatural threats. Churches feature enormous arches and open spaces. The sanctuary of a Flamic church has a mosaic floor with a flame burning at its center.   The seat of the religion is the Grand Cathedral in Flamekeep. Built around the site of Tira's sacrifice, this fortified temple is the size of a small city.  


Священники и паладины Серебряного Пламени боролись против сил темноты в течение сотен лет. Относительно молодая религия, Церковь Серебряного Пламени нашла верную поддержку в землях Кхорвайра, особенно в нации Трейн. Эта законная добрая организация базирует¬ся в городе Огненная лидерством , , . . , . , Пламени. Члены Церкви носят серебряный гравированный наконечник стрелы со стилизо¬ванным пламенем. Церковь Серебряного Пламени ро¬дилась в 299 ГК, когда паладин Тира Мирон и коатль слились с серебри¬стым столбом огня, для того, чтобы помешать демону вырваться из Хайбера. Теперь Тира яв¬ляется Голосом Серебряного Пламени, служа посредни¬ком между обычными расами и божественными силами. Действующий Хранитель Пламени - одиннадцатилетняя Джаела Даран, получает силу и способности священ¬ника 18-ого уровня, пока она в пределах границ города Огненная Крепость, где постоянно горит Серебряное Пламя. На удаленном расстоянии от этого столба огня она может полагаться только на собственные навыки как свя-щенника 3-го уровня. За столетия, Церковь Серебряного Пламени распространилась по всему Кхорвайру. Её по¬следователи постоянно участвуют в бесконечной борьбе против сил зла. Они боролись с демонами, охотились на оборотней, доведя последних до границы исчезновения, и сражались, таким образом, против всех монстров. Однако коррупция внутри самой организации, продолжает быть самым злостным противником. Хранитель Пламени занимает сразу два должностных кресла, являясь главой духовной и мирской жизни церк¬ви, и нации. Уровнем ниже в церковной иерархии нахо¬дится Совет Кардиналов, который наблюдает за действи¬ями церкви и государства. Церковные министры обеспе¬чивают духовное руководство верующим и в Трейне и за границей, борясь против зла и защищая добро. В состав служителей Церкви входят воины, паладины, священники, экзорцисты, готовые встретить зло с ме-чом или булавой в руке и заклинанием за спиной. Они защищают Трейн, церкви, и религиозные учреждения всюду по Кхорвайру. Третий орден внутри Серебряного Пламени - странствующие монахи, миссионеры церкви. Они с рвением распространяют веру в Серебряное Пламя вне границ Трейна.

СИМВОЛ Серебряного Пламени

Выделяется ещё одна немногочисленная группа, веру¬ющих в Чистое Пламя. Эти ревностные последователи Пламени, названные Пуританами, интерпретируют каж¬дую проповедь Голоса Пламени буквально. В прошлом Пуритане помогли начинать крупномасштабные действия инквизиции против оборотней, а так же являлись вдохно¬вителями крестовых походов всех типов. И сегодня они остаются самой нашумевшей группой внутри церкви. Церковь Серебряного Пламени стремится очистить мир. Она ведет войну против сверхествественного зла; её слу¬жители бродят по земле, борясь со злодеями, нежитью и волшебными тварями. Церковь также стремится бороть¬ся с коррупцией, жадностью, и другим чисто человече¬ским злом. С этими утверждениями оно сумело пройти через Последнюю войну. Церковь, конечно, не ожидает, что средний верующий будет бороться с зомби и вам¬пирами, но предполагает, будет жить честной жизнью и вдохновлять других на такую же жизнь. Церковь учит, что те, кто очистит свою душу при жизни, со¬единится с Серебряным Пламенем после смерти, усиливая этим огонь, сдерживающий силы зла внутри Хайбера. К сожалению, церковное духо¬венство и её члены не всегда соответствуют соб¬ственным благородным стандартам. Заклятый враг Серебряного Пламени - Лорды Пыли. Лорды Пыли редко сами действуют от¬крыто, но за столетия было много столкнове¬ний между агентами Пламени и извергами.
It should come as no surprise that a faith with such an overwhelming focus on specific real- world goals has a much more clearly defined organizational structure than either the Sovereign Host or the Dark Six. Because the faith was originally overwhelmingly made up of converts, even the introduction into the ranks of the initiated is a formal procedure.   Acolytes entering the priesthood must serve in a temple for a period of time that can last up to several years. Only then can an acolyte enter a seminary for further study, and even then, only the most strongly devoted petitioners are even admitted, much less manage to graduate.   Initiates of the faith are divided into four distinct orders:   Order of Ministers. Consisting mostly of priests who lead temple worship or conduct theological research.   Order of Templars. The fighting arm of the church. Consists of everything from simple temple guards and soldiers to full-fledged paladins.   Order of Friars. The group most concerned with evangelism and recruitment, the friars travel Eberron to bring word of the Silver Flame to new communities.   Council of Cardinals. This is a ruling group that oversees the other three orders, most commonly made up of priests from the Ministers and distinguished paladins from the Templars. The uppermost ruling group over the entire church of the Silver Flame is the Diet of Cardinals, selected from the Council's ranks. The Diet takes direction from the Keeper of the Flame, an intermediary for (and who is selected by) the Voice of the Silver Flame, Tira Miron. Because Tira is joined with the divinity of the Flame and the Keeper is her voice to the Diet, the Keeper is assumed to give voice to the divinity itself on Tira's behalf. Historically, however, some Keepers have used their station to push agendas of their own interpretation.  
Title or role Roles or Activities Suggested Stat Blocks Acolyte/ Seminarian New inductee; not an official rank Commoner, acolyte for most Pilgrim Lowest rank of priest, often in Friars Acolyte, priest Priest Inducted member Priest, war priest, or similar Bishop Authority over priests in a community. Called ‘Prefect’ in Order of Templars Priest, war priest, or similar Archbishop Oversees multiple bishops Priest, war priest Cardinal Ruling class of priests War priest Keeper of the Flame Chosen by the Voice; intermediary with the Diet of Cardinals. Any; only one individual holds this position at a time Voice of the Silver Flame Highest position in the church, joined with the divinity of the Silver Flame Tira Miron; paladin, sole title holder


  Even a religion as rigorously organized as the Silver Flame has its variants. The following groups are considered anything from factions within the church with puzzling ideas to full-blown heretical groups. Ghaash'kala. This orc tribe in the Demon Wastes worships the ‘Binding Flame.' Though some refuse to accept this concept, others within the church believe the orcs worship the Silver Flame, albeit in a slightly misguided manner. Knight Militant. A group of warriors of the Silver Flame who hold themselves to extreme standards of personal morality and self-sacrifice. Their selfless morals make them more tolerable to those outside the faith than the members of other sects. Order of the Radiant Flame. A pensive order of thinkers that seeks unification with the Flame prior to the final destruction of evil. They are less actively involved in the world and prefer to remain secluded. Penitent Brethren. Mainly comprised of shifters or other humanoids who believe their innate traits or some outside influence make them more prone to evil. These believers atone with zealous service, even at risk to themselves. Servants of the Pure Flame. Also called Puritans, these are the most extreme and cult¬like believers. They believe in forced conversion and violence as a common tactic. They practice aggression against anything they view as evil, which often means anything that opposes their goals. The Puritans were the sect most directly responsible for a mass purge of lycanthropes—and shifters—in the 800s YK. Tarnished. The Tarnished are not in any way considered part of the church, and are best described as a fallen order. They believe the demon bound into the Flame's creation still holds power comparable to that of a divine being and pledge service to it. This sect claims to hear the ‘Shadow in the Flame' and damages the church from within, historically posing as ‘reformers.'
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