Breland Organization in Eberron | World Anvil


Distance allowed Breland to develop in ways that were distinctly different from the other human nations. While each of the human settlements that eventu- ally became the Five Nations took root in the rich land surrounding the Scions Sound, the ancestors of the Brelish nation felt confined along the shore of the Brey River. The original settlement, built near where Aruldusk stands today, was quickly abandoned and its people moved south, following the river until they found a site that pleased them. The original nation of Wroat grew up around what is today Vathirond.   The frontier nation didn’t stop there, however, and soon those within the settlement who wanted more open space and more freedom continued to move south and west. It was about 2,400 years ago that Breggor Firstking led most of the pre-Brelish settlers to fertile fields where the Howling and Dagger Rivers converged and established the nation of Wroat.   Meanwhile, as the humans of the Lhazaar expe- ditions landed on Khorvaire’s eastern shores and migrated inland, one of Lhazaar’s most powerful lieutenant’s struck out to map the southern shores of the new land. With four mighty warships and more than a thousand warriors, Malleon explored the coast of southern Khorvaire. Along the way, Malleon earned the name “the Reaver” as he plundered the settlements of goblins, gnomes, and lizardfolk he discovered. Then, about twenty-five years after Lhazaar first led them to this new continent, Malleon sailed into the Hilt of the Dagger River.   When Malleon first set eyes upon the ancient city on the bluff, a city that would eventually grow to become the greatest in the land, he knew that his days as an explorer and pirate had come to an end. Mal- leon and his loyal warriors conquered and enslaved the goblins and erected a fortress atop their ancient ruins. What was once Duur’shaarat and would one day be Sharn now belonged to Malleon. He named the place Shaarat.   For six hundred years, Malleon, his warriors, and their descendants built Shaarat into a power- ful and wealthy city on the bluff overlooking the Hilt. By this point, Breggor Firstking had estab- lished the nation of Wroat some 500 miles north along the Dagger River. It was inevitable that the two settlements would come into conflict. Breggor wanted Shaarat for his own, but Malleon’s descen- dants refused to yield. The siege of Shaarat lasted for almost a year before Breggor ordered his wizards to destroy the place. Shaarat fell, but Breggor claimed the ruins and renamed the city Sharn. Over the next eight hundred years, the towers rose and the city grew, becoming the second jewel in the nation of Wroat’s crown.   The glory of Sharn was lost during the last days of the War of the Mark, when the remnants of the aber- rant mark forces took refuge in the City of Towers. Rather than fall before the onslaught of the armies of the pure dragonmarked houses, the leaders of the aberrant mark forces destroyed themselves and their followers in a display of arcane power that left Sharn in ruins. The city remained abandoned for more than five hundred years.   It was Galifar I, king of the newly united kingdom, who came to the City of Tower’s rescue. In 35 YK, Gal- ifar ordered Sharn to be rebuilt so that it could serve as the southern bastion of his kingdom. It took more than five years to make a portion of the city habitable, then another fifty years for the towers to rise over the ruins, but by 150 YK, Sharn was well on its way to becoming the largest and most powerful city not only in Breland but in the entire kingdom.   Meanwhile, the rest of the nation grew and pros- pered. It maintained ties with the other nations, and when it became part of Galifar’s united kingdom, it served as a valued and powerful realm within the some of the worst battles of the Last War. Sword Keep and Brey Crossing protect the borders with Aundair and Thrane, while Sterngate keeps an eye on the passes into Darguun. Perhaps the most active post in the current day is Kennrun, where knights and warriors must constantly deal with threats emerging from the dead-gray mist surrounding the Mournland.   Breland is a progressive nation that welcomes all who come in peace with open arms and the promise of honest wages for honest work. Its progressive nature, however, provides a home for those who wish to engage in less than honest work, especially in the larger cities. The nation works hard to maintain the Treaty of Thronehold, for King Boranel believes that peace is a better road to travel than war.   King Boranel is well and truly loved by the majority of the Brelish people. Unfortunately, Boranel’s age is beginning to show, and none of his heirs have demonstrated even a modicum of his intel- ligence and charisma. Many believe that Breland’s strength relies on Boranel’s leadership, and many of his enemies beyond the borders of the nation can’t wait for him to fall. Will the hope of many who covet the Brelish countryside come to pass? When Boranel falls, so falls Breland?


  The people of Breland have a strong tradition of independence and free thought. They are fiercely loyal to the kingdom and to the Brelish crown, but at the same time they don’t want the laws interfering with their daily lives. The Brelish always speak their minds, and while they treat aristocrats and officers with the respect due to rank, they still consider themselves to be the equal of any other person. While the Brelish expect their voices to be heard, they also take the time to listen to others, and they are known for their tolerance. There is also a strong strain of skeptical pragmatism in the Brelish character; the Brelish always try to find the catch in every deal, question what others take on faith, and look for a personal advantage in any situation. This attitude has its dark side, and the major cities of Breland have the highest crime rates in Khorvaire.   The Brelish are proud of the size and power of their nation. Where Aundairians are often smug and slightly condescending, the Brelish tend to be brash and loud. They know their nation is the greatest power in Khorvaire. This strength gives them a bit of an overbearing presence when traveling. They often like to visit other lands and see new sights, but they carry their nationality on their sleeve (sometimes literally), and won’t hesitate to compare the accomplishments of others to things “back home.”   In 986 YK, ten years before the Treaty of Throne- hold, King Boranel forced the Brelish parliament to pass the Warforged Decree. This decree recognized warforged as sentient beings and granted them the rights afforded other Brelish citizens—once the Last War was over. This edict allowed Boranel to emancipate the warforged while still guaranteeing their service for the duration of the war. It had the secondary effect of making the Brelish warforged more committed to the Brelish cause, and it attracted warforged from other nations to rally to the Brelish banner—especially warforged from the northern nations of Aundair and Thrane.  


  Breland came out of the Last War in relatively good shape. Financially, the coffers are full and the nation’s industries are strong. Militarily, the Brelish forces remain alert and ready should war again break out across the land. But Boranel isn’t interested in fight- ing another war. He realizes that the nation must defend itself, and he knows that there are still hostile forces surrounding the country, but he hopes that through diplomacy and trade agreements, the remain- ing sparks of conflict can be doused.   Boranel works hard to keep the lines of commu- nication open with Aundair and Karrnath, though he doesn’t completely trust the leaders of these rival kingdoms. He has a grudging respect for the power of Thrane, but he has no love for the theocracy that at times was his most powerful and deadly opponent during the Last War. Boranel continues to extend the hand of friendship to the nations formed in the wake of the Last War, but he secretly fears that the next threat to peace will come not from the original Five Nations but from one of these upstarts. Finally, the king seeks to make good on the remnants of Cyre that have swarmed into his country after the destruction of their own. When others turned them away and tried to ignore the horror that had befallen them, Boranel opened his borders and gave them a home. He prays that by doing the right thing, he won’t live to regret it.  


  Breland’s relative isolation from the horrors of the Last War allowed it to maintain the high educational standards inherited from the kingdom of Galifar. A character born and raised in Breland can choose one regional education benefit.  

Regional Education—Breland

  The Brelish are industrious folk who are a little flighty and easygoing about their faith. Any character with Breland as his or her region of origin gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility and royalty) and Profession checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Concentration and Knowledge (religion) checks.  

Regional Education—Morgrave University

  The students at Morgrave University study Xen’drik, the continent of secrets, and share the Brelish laxity in regards to religion. Of course, many consider those associated with Morgrave to be less than trustworthy. These characters start play with less money (having paid college fees) but know people who might help them move recovered relics. Any character can choose to have received an education at Morgrave University, gaining a +1 bonus on Decipher Script and Knowl- edge (geography) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks. Further, the character begins play with one lesser underworld contact in Sharn, and has starting gold reduced by 25 (minimum of 0).  

Regional Education—Sharn

  A youth in Sharn can’t help but spend some time climbing on the outside of one of the great towers as part of growing up, or hear about the importance of manifest zones in the city’s architecture. On the other hand such youth are likely to have only lim- ited contact with domesticated animals or even the world outside the enormous city. Any character with Breland as his region of origin may choose to have been raised in the city of Sharn, gaining a +1 bonus on Climb and Knowledge (the planes) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Handle Animal and Knowl- edge (geography) checks.  

Roleplaying a Brelish

  Brelish tend to be loud, boisterous, and easygoing. They enjoy more personal rights and freedoms than seen anywhere else on the continent, and they carry an attitude that suggests they know this. They tend to be confident, liberal, and tolerant of others. Nothing seems to surprise or faze the Brelish. They love to engage in debate, especially regarding poli- tics, though they enjoy conversations of all types. They have a rather special love of gossip, which is why the Sharn Inquisitive has such a strong reader- ship throughout Breland, but usually fares poorly beyond the Brelish borders, where it is seen as light and inconsequential.   The people of Breland may disagree and debate the merits of their leaders among themselves in town halls and taverns, but don’t let them hear an outsider disparage their nation or their king. They take great pride in their country and its accomplishments, of its openness and tolerant views. Sure, things can be improved, but they will handle that themselves, thank you. Like the bear that serves as the symbol of their country, the Brelish can appear to be slow and sluggish one moment, but that appearance belies their power, ferocity, and ability to move quickly when the situation calls for it.   Religion is all well and good, and the Brelish have their share of priests and faithful. But religion is a private matter to most Brelish, not something to be shared or, worse, pushed upon others. Though tolerant and understanding of all things different, the Brelish have a tendency to show stronger emotions regarding king and country and other tangible things. “Gods and religion are all well and good,” Beggar Dane has written, “but get back to me when you see Dol Arrah walking the streets of Sharn.”   FIVE THINGS EVERY BRELISH KNOWS   1. The Galifar Code of Justice. Every citizen of Breland learns at least the basics of the Code of Justice, especially as it pertains to the rights afforded individuals in any situation. This knowledge boils down to the right to defend yourself, the right to confront your accuser, and the right to open debate. Of course, the code con- tains many additional rights and laws, but these tend to be the most important for the average Brelish citizen.   2. That different is just different. Tolerant and accepting, the average Brelish believes that different isn’t better or worse, good or bad; it’s just different. Different races, different faiths, different cultures . . . the Brelish, on the whole, are the most accepting and unifying people in Khorvaire.   3. Something about the weather. Everyone in Breland has an opinion about the weather, and they love to discuss their views and share them with others. This is especially true in the southern portions of the country, where the weather seems to vary between two states—hot and wet, and hotter and wetter.   4. The virtues of democracy. Unique among the Five Nations, Breland has long been experimenting with a new form of government. While the monarchy remains in place, many other duties of government, including legislation, falls to a partially elected body—the Brelish Parliament. Thanks to town meet- ings where all citizens have a voice and the right to vote for the elected members of the parliament, the Brelish understand the rights, responsibilities of democracy, as well as the great gift they have to live in such a pro- gressive nation.   5. The wisdom of Beggar Dane. Out of the pages of the Sharn Inquisitive, the simple lessons for living popularized by this anonymous street bard have become ingrained in the Brelish mindset. These include: “A copper piece in the cup is a copper piece earned,” “Never borrow, never lend,” “The silent man has no one to blame but himself,” and “A magewright in the town is worth an army in the wilderness.”   The nation’s heroes stand brave and ready in battle, fighting strongly for the things they believe in. This belief doesn’t extend to issues of ultimate good or ultimate evil, but instead center on the down-to- earth matters of the rights and responsibilities of the individual. In many ways, the street sage Beggar Dane puts the ideals of the Brelish people into words: “Help those who need help,” and “Treat the beggar as you would treat the king.”   Brelish Style   Breland combines the rich heritage of Galifar with the new ideas of its people. As is typical of a frontier nation, much of the Brelish countryside has a rustic, quaint feel that somehow finds a place even in the larger cities. The exception, of course, is Sharn, which has a style and feel all its own.  


  The diverse nature of Breland’s people tends to create a diverse number of artistic styles, and one can find almost anything if one looks long enough and hard enough. The Brelish spirit, however, is best demon- strated in the neo-Brelish renderings that advance the Galifaran form to a new level. Whereas traditional Gali- faran paintings use a flat, shadeless, two-dimensional rendering style, the paintings of the neo-Brelish have depth and a more true to life depiction of what the artist sees. Much of this has been influenced by the artisans of House Phiarlan, but the Brelish have taken the style and made it their own.   Brelish art tends to convey a sense of freedom and energy, no matter the subject matter. Artists often create scenes taken from life, though they prefer to create portraits that place the subject within the grandeur of the Brelish countryside, as well as scenes of the fantastic wildlife that roams the land. The Brel- ish also have a fondness for battle scenes, and while many show the power of Breland on the battlefield, some show the darker, less inspiring side of war. King Boranel, in particular, used images of the dead and dying, remarkably portrayed in the work of Saranven d’Phiarlan, to help gain support for his role in the Treaty of Thronehold.  


  In the cities of Breland, from Starilaskur to Wroat to Sharn itself, Galifarn-style towers scrape the sky and buildings of stone connect one to another. In the countryside, however, the heart of Brelish architecture can be seen in the rustic houses and common buildings made of heavy logs and bricks.   Through the use of magic, Breland raises impos- sibly tall towers above its cities, reaching heights that are rarely seen in the cities of the other nations. “For all the space they have horizontally,” Kothin of the Mror Holds once commented, “you have to wonder why the Brelish like to build vertically. It’s a mystery.”   Even within many of the towers and stone buildings in the cities, the Brelish tend to use elements of their rustic heritage. Large rooms decorated with natural tree trunks and logs give the stone interiors a sense of life and warmth. In the countryside, especially in the south- ern climes, buildings are designed to keep the coolness in and the heat out, and windows are plentiful.   In New Cyre, in eastern Breland, the Cyran refu- gees have begun to fashion a city that harkens back to the wonders of lost Cyre. This makes the small city very different in look and feel from similarly sized settle- ments in other parts of the country.  


  Brelish cooking utilizes meats, vegetables, and hearty sauces to create filling and comforting meals. North- ern Brelish cuisine tends to be simpler fare, with a sweet and savory flavor. This is the food of farmers, designed to satisfy even the most ravenous appetites before and after a day of work in the fields. Here one can find beef boranel, a favorite of the king, that fea- tures a bread and mushroom stuffing roasted inside a full side of beef. Other hearty meals from the north- ern and central regions of Breland include farmer’s stew, thrice-poached eggs and sizzling pheasant, and kettle fried spider and redeye berries.   Southern Brelish cooking is more adventurous, utilizing the spices and vegetables that grow in the more tropical clime. Food with a lot of heat dominates the menu, as do meals influenced by the diverse popu- lation of Sharn and then transported into the rest of the countryside.   Traditional southern Brelish cooking is spicy and flavorful, and often too hot for those used to simpler fare. Fire-wrapped golden fish, spiced pork and orange peppers, and hot-spiced chicken in panya leaves are considered high cuisine in the best inns and restaurants throughout Breland.   Sharn fusion, meanwhile, is a culinary experiment in combining traditional Brelish cooking with the exotic cuisine of the diverse people that regularly pass through or settle in the City of Towers. Taking ingre- dients and cooking styles from all over Khorvaire, the master chefs of Sharn combine these exotic dishes with their native presentation to make a totally new form of cuisine. Bold and exciting, Sharn fusion isn’t for everyone. But for those willing to try something new and a little different, this exotic culinary experience is worth the effort and expense (Sharn fusion tends to cost more than a traditional Brelish meal).  


  Brelish fashions tend to be simple and comfortable. Because of the heat, the Brelish prefer lighter fabrics and open, airy designs in casual dress. It is quite rare for Brelish clothes to cover the shoulders, and women     often wear detached sleeves to keep their shoulders bare. The Brelish hate to be confined by rules, and aside from the demands of the weather, they follow few stan- dards in dress. They do have one rule, however—cloth dyed with sayda. This rich sky-blue dye is made from shellfish found only in waters of the Dagger River near the Hilt. Sayda has become synonymous with Brelish national pride, making it more commonly known as “Brelish blue.” Natives of Breland traveling abroad make a point of always including at least a splash of Brelish blue in their clothes (unless traveling incog- nito). When the Brelish dress up, they are as likely to wear more elaborate versions of their normal garb as to adopt styles from across Khorvaire; there have even been times when hobgoblin clothing has been in vogue in cosmopolitan Sharn.   Jewelry is common, even among the lower classes, with copper wire being used for many everyday adorn- ments. Anklets and particularly armbands are the most common, although any sort of jewelry can be found among the wealthy.  

Plots and Factions

    Postwar Breland is rife with intrigue and adventure. While Sharn seems to attract a lot of this kind of cloak- and-dagger plotting, the rest of the country sees its own share of shadowy subterfuge. Here are a few such plots and those working to make them come to pass; adventurers can get involved in any or all of these as they travel the roads of Breland.  


  Lord Ruken ir’Clarn (LE male human aristocrat 2), a member of the Breland Parliament’s prestigious Noble Legislature, has a dream. In that dream, the monarchy has faded away to be replaced by a govern- ment of the people, by the people. This new govern- ment needs direction and leadership, however, and in his dream Ruken provides all that and more as the elected Prime Minister.   But dreams don’t put swords in the hands of soldiers, as Beggar Dane is fond of saying. So Ruken conspires to remove the authority of the crown after Boranel dies or abdicates the throne. Thrane, for example, has gotten along fine without a king or queen, Ruken has observed. Of course, he doesn’t want to replace the crown with a theocracy. He fears the abuses of the religious as much as the incompetence of those of noble birth. Instead, he plans to take the democratic experiment so crucial to Breland’s success to the next level. He plans to turn all power over to the parliament, eliminating the current system of shared authority in which the crown controls all executive and judicial power while the parliament administers legislative power. A central authority figure is still required; Lord Ruken plans to win the election for prime minister when this plan is fully implemented.   To make his dream become reality, Lord Ruken conspires with a handful of other legislators. Those working with him include mostly nobles with heredi- tary posts in the parliament, since they have the time to bring such plans to fruition. He has two elected lawmakers in his camp, however. Shiana of Wroat, now in her third term as senior representative of the capital, and Thanoc of Zilspar, who has served as the representative of the border village for almost twelve years, both adhere to the theory that the crown must be replaced by the vote.   To further his aims, Ruken has begun a series of secret meetings with Queen Aurala of Aundair. She is willing to provide funds and advice to make the dream of a monarchy-free Breland a reality, and Ruken is willing to accept her help—regardless of the Queen’s true motives in the matter. In the end, Ruken sees an ally who wants the crown of Breland to get pushed aside as soon as Boranel is finished wearing it.  

Notable Brelish

  Some of the more important figures in Breland are described below.  


  Born into the aristocracy with his lineage tied to King Jarot, Boranel ir’Wynarn was groomed for leadership from birth. Perhaps the most beloved ruler Breland has ever known, Boranel has certainly   “Tower spit!” An expression of discontent or an indi- cation of nonsense, similar to “hogwash!” It refers to the spray that falls from the towers of Sharn during and immediately after it rains.     had the longest reign since the nation was founded, ruling with strength and wit for 37 years. Boranel was crowned in 961, in what seemed like Breland’s darkest days. His two elder brothers were killed in fighting on the western frontier within the space of a week, and his father, King Boranex, took his own life in grief the following month. The third son, Boranel, never expected to see the throne at all. Still a young man, he was adventuring in Sharn when the news of his father’s unexpected passing forced a swift return to Wroat.   Boranel received a broad education, giving him a good basis upon which to make decisions. He learned all of the languages common to Breland, which helped him understand the diverse cultures that make up the cosmopolitan nation. The young noble also studied strategy guides and tactical journals of battles. He and his tutors fought and refought the great conflicts of the past using miniature soldiers on a tabletop field.   Along with the development of his mind came the training of his body. Boranel studied with some of the finest weaponmasters on Khorvaire, including a female Valenar elf named Eliri who taught him how to ride and fight on horseback. Eliri was the first love of Boranel’s life, but he was too young for her and foolish to think he could indulge such boyish infatuations.   When he reached adulthood and entered the Breland army, Boranel rose through the ranks swiftly, and solely by merit. Long before becoming Breland’s king, Boranel had been a general who was loved and respected by the entire army. He was also quite the womanizer, as adventurous in love as he was on the battlefield.   In his youth, Boranel was an adventurer, getting away from concerns of war and nation to explore Xen’drik, the dungeons of Sharn, and the wilds of Droaam. This adventurous spirit served him well, but Boranel has experienced highs and lows politically and in his private life. He used his popularity after his first campaign to break with tradition and marry the lady Chaseva ir’Maasat, a minor noble from Cyre whom he meet at school before returning to Breland. Enemies thought to use this seeming betrayal against him, but the Sharn Inquisitive ran a series of articles about their early encounters at the Library of Kor- ranberg, and the entire world was charmed by a royal romance that reached across hostile borders. During a lull in the fighting, he made several expeditions to Xen’drik, taking more of a scholar’s interest in the ruins there than a treasure hunter’s zeal to loot the continent of secrets.   The joy of a happy marriage and four children turned to dust when his wife was assassinated on a moonless night. The sizable bounty for the killer has still never been collected. Unlike his father, Boranel overcame his grief, though he still suspects the hags of Droaam had a part in the murder. He has never forgiven   them (or himself) for the loss of western Breland, and given proof of their involvement, he would launch into war against Droaam in an instant.   With the fall of Cyre, some say that Breland could have won the Last War; certainly it had the edge in population, resources, and strategic alliances. Weary of death and destruction even before the Day of Mourning, Boranel came to desire peace more than the crown of Galifar. Still, many Brelish hold to the vision of Boranel on the unified throne; in the minds of these loyalists, Breland is Galifar, and the Treaty of Thronehold simply a polite way of letting the other nations back out of the war.   Boranel rules from Brokenblade Castle in Wroat. He has outlived three wives and has eleven fiercely independent children (six sons and five daughters). He enjoys the company of Haydith, King Kaius’s younger sister, who attends the court and studies in Wroat (Boranel’s children, Halix and Borina, have, in turn, been sent to Karrnath). The two rarely discuss poli- tics, since the topic tends to dampen Boranel’s spirits. “Anything but politics!” is one of his oft-quoted (and mocked) expressions.  


  Kor ir’Wynarn, younger brother to King Boranel, serves as the king’s advisor and commander of the King’s Citadel. He cherishes his older brother and is extremely loyal to both crown and country. As commander of the Citadel, Kor is far from the best agent the group has to offer. He has learned leadership and commitment from Boranel, however, and he has developed a keen ability to administer the duties of the office.   Kor splits his time between the Citadel headquar- ters and the king’s chambers in Brokenblade Castle. As commander of the Citadel, Kor directs a team of captains who each command a division of the elite agency. As the royal advisor, Kor brings important information to Boranel, listens to the king, and offers advice on matters of state. King Boranel often follows his own heart, but not without first listening to the advice of his trusted brother.   It has been suggested that Kor might step in to lead the nation after Boranel’s reign ends, but the royal advisor doesn’t want the office or the respon- sibility. Besides, he is only a few years younger than Boranel—not the strong and vigorous leader the nation will need when the time comes. He is content to watch for threats to crown and country, offer opinions and intelligence as warranted, and be a friend and brother to the king.  


  Three, a warforged paladin of Dol Arrah, has walked beside King Boranel since 976 YK and the Battle of Brey Crossing. Three wasn’t a paladin then, just a warforged fighter serving in the Brelish army. He was part of the forces commanded by King Boranel himself on that day, fighting to repel a Thrane offensive and retake the bridge spanning the Brey River. When Boranel was cut off from the bulk of the Brelish army, Three and a handful of other warforged battled to his side. Together, Boranel, Three, and the other warforged held the bridge until the rest of the Brelish troops could launch a counterstrike and drive the Thrane forces back to Nathyrr.   Grateful and impressed by the warforged, partic- ularly Three, Boranel had the survivors reassigned to his personal troops. Three became a trusted compan- ion of the king, traveling with him and participating in adventures and battles alongside him. When Three asked if he could study with the paladins of Dol Arrah, King Boranel gave his blessing. Afterward, Three returned to become the King’s Protector, a duty he performs with honor and commitment because he loves the king and is pleased to call him friend.  


  Haydith ir’Wynarn, fifteen-year-old sister of King Kaius III of Karrnath, arrived in Wroat a year ago as part of an exchange program designed to solidify the peace accords ratified by the Treaty of Thronehold. In truth, she knows that she is a hostage for her brother’s hard-won peace, but she has grown to like the rustic charm of the Brelish countryside—and she has grown to love the nation’s leader, King Boranel.   Haydith came to Wroat miserable and depressed. Her brother had changed almost from the moment he donned the crown of Karrnath, and then he decided to send her away from her family and friends. She started her sojourn in Wroat shy and quiet, keeping the worst of her depression to herself. But conversations with King Boranel slowly brought her out of herself and opened her up to the wonders and excitement of Wroat and the Brelish countryside. Now she has become a constant companion of the king, a regular at court functions, and a darling of the worries that her brother’s letters are often short and to the point—the kingship has seemed to drive all the love out of him, and that worries her.   On a recent visit to Sharn with King Boranel, Haydith fell in love with the City of Towers. When her “studies” in Wroat come to an end, she might want to spend some

Foreign Relations

  Bartis Lonn, a wheelwright from Galethspyre, shares his thoughts about foreigners, and his opinions reflect those of Breland’s popular majority:   Aundair: “Magic is all well and good, and Breland has as much arcane might as anyone, but the Aundair- ians drink up magic the way they drink their fancy wine—quickly and to excess. They fought well during the war, but we could have beaten them.”   Breland:“This is the greatest country in the world. We have the greatest king, the strongest army, the larg- est cities, the most land. We’re all about freedom and hope and honor, and while we’re extremely humble, we also know that we’re the best in all the land.”   Cyran Refugees: “King Boranel has extended the hand of friendship to these poor souls, so who am I to disagree with the king. Still, you have to wonder what they’re doing out there. They even named their settlement New Cyre. Is that sad or what? And a little disturbing, if you ask me. This is Breland, after all, not Cyre reborn.”   Darguun: “We’re trying to live in peace with the goblin nation, but I’d like to see some evidence that those savages are doing the same. I hear that their leader isn’t as in control of the place as he made out to be during the Treaty of Thronehold meetings.”   Droaam: “Monsters of all kinds live to the west. Nation? Not likely. Savages, that’s what they are. King Boranel once met their champion in single battle. Did you know that? Beat that ogre to within an inch of its life and then let it go. His heart’s too big sometimes. Too big.”   Eldeen Reaches: “We fought the Reachers more than once during the war, and both sides remember the pain and suffering those battles caused. Still, trade with the Reachers is good, and I love it when Eldeen fruits reach the market near my home.”   Karrnath: “We didn’t fight the Karrns very often, but when we did we gave as good as we got. That’s a powerful and scary bunch living up there in the cold. Makes them hard and formidable. And more than a little cranky. And what’s all this talk about using undead to fight for you? Creepy. Still, I’d rather trade with them and drink with them than fight against them.”   Lhazaar Principalities: “Pirates every one of them. They even tried to take Sharn by sea once. Or was that Karrnath? When a Lhazaar ship appears in the harbor, though, you hold onto your purse with one hand and your sword with the other and hope they’ve come to trade not plunder.”   Zilargo: “A land of true friends to crown and country. The gnomes have done right by us over the years, and I think we’ve done right by them.”  
Population: 3.7 million   Area: 1,800,000 square miles   Sovereign: King Boranel ir'Wynarn   Capital: Wroat   Major Cities: Sham, Starilaskur, Galethspyre, Xandrar   Climate: Temperate in the north, tropical in the south   Highest Point: Erix Peak in the Blackcap Mountains, elevation 13,256 feet   Heraldry: A roaring bear surrounded by gold wyverns on a crimson shield Founder: Wroann, fifth scion of King Jarot   National Motto: “We gain what we give.”   Espionage Service: King's Dark Lanterns   Distance allowed Breland to develop in ways that were distinctly different from the other human nations. While each of the human settlements that eventually became the Five Nations took root in the rich land surrounding the Scions Sound, the ancestors of the Brelish nation felt confined along the shore of the Brey River. The original settlement, built near where Aruldusk stands today, was quickly abandoned and its people moved south, following the river until they found a site that pleased them.   From the moment Brey ir'Wynarn took the ruling chair in the Great Hall of Wroat after the unification of Galifar, the descendants of Galifar ir'Wynarn have governed the nation of Breland and its people. Governor-princes in line to one day inherit the throne of Galifar administered the nation until 894 YK, when the kingdom collapsed and each scion declared his nation to be a sovereign and independent kingdom. In that year, Wroann, fifth scion and youngest daughter of Galifar's last king, Jarot, named herself Queen of Breland until she could rightfully claim the crown of Galifar and reunite the shattered kingdom.   The original nation of Wroat grew up around what is today the town of Vathirond. The frontier nation did not stop there, however, and soon those within the settlement who wanted more open space and more freedom continued to move south and west. It was about 2,400 years ago that Breggor Firstking led most of the pre-Brelish settlers to fertile fields where the Howling and Dagger Rivers converged and officially established the kingdom of Wroat. Earlier, when the humans of the Lhazaar expeditions had landed on Khorvaire's eastern shores and migrated inland, one of Lhazaar's most powerful lieutenants struck out to map the southern shores of the new land. With four mighty warships and more than a thousand warriors, Malleon explored the coast of southern Khorvaire. Along the way, Malleon earned the name “the Reaver” as he plundered the settlements of goblins, gnomes, and lizardfolk he discovered. Then, about twenty-five years after Lhazaar first led them to this new continent, Malleon sailed into the Hilt of the Dagger River.   When Malleon first set eyes upon the ancient goblin city on the bluff, a city that would eventually grow to become the greatest in the land, he knew that his days as an explorer and pirate had come to an end. Malleon and his loyal warriors conquered and enslaved the goblins and erected a fortress atop their ancient ruins. What was once Duur'shaarat and would one day be Sharn now belonged to Malleon. He named the place Shaarat.   For six hundred years, Malleon, his warriors, and their descendants built Shaarat into a powerful and wealthy city on the bluff overlooking the Hilt. By this point, Breggor Firstking had established the kingdom of Wroat some 500 miles north along the Dagger River. It was inevitable that the two settlements would come into conflict. Breggor wanted Shaarat for his own, but Malleon's descendants refused to yield. The siege of Shaarat lasted for almost a year before Breggor ordered his wizards to destroy the place. Shaarat fell, but Breggor claimed the ruins and renamed the city Sharn. Over the next eight hundred years, the towers rose and the city grew, becoming the second jewel in the nation of Wroat's crown.   The glory of Sharn was lost during the last days of the War of the Mark, when the remnants of the aberrant dragonmarked forces took refuge in the City of Towers. Rather than fall before the onslaught of the armies of the pure dragonmarked houses, the leaders of the aberrant mark forces destroyed themselves and their followers in a display of arcane power that left Sharn in ruins. The city remained abandoned for more than five hundred years. It was Galifar I, king of the newly united kingdom of the same name, who came to the City of Tower's rescue. In 35 YK, Galifar ordered that Sharn be rebuilt so that it could serve as the southern bastion of his kingdom. It took more than five years to make a portion of the city habitable, then another fifty years for the towers to rise over the ruins, but by 150 YK, Sham was well on its way to becoming the largest and most powerful city not only in Breland but in the entire kingdom.   Meanwhile, the rest of the nation grew and prospered. It maintained ties with the other nations, and when it became part of Galifar's united kingdom, it served as a valued and powerful realm within the larger empire. But the distances between Breland's capital and the seats of power of the other Five Nations allowed for new ideas and attitudes to develop. No matter how prosperous and large Breland became, it was always seen as “the frontier” by the other nations. And on this frontier, new ideas such as personal freedom, inalienable rights, and individual thinking thrived.   Today, Breland stands as a benign constitutional monarchy that combines a system of heredity and nobility with an elected parliament (The parliament existed prior to the creation of the independent kingdom of Breland at the start of the Last War, during which time it helped the Galifaran governor-prince administer this portion of the realm. Queen Wroann established it as a true legal force in 895 YK, shortly after the start of the Last War). Of course, some feel that the monarchy should be supplanted and replaced by an elected leader, but King Boranel remains firmly in command. Still, no other nation enjoys such power, such diversity, and such freedom for the majority of its citizens. The opportunities are endless, and the wealth of ideas that flow from the Brelish cities to the countryside is truly amazing.   Breland weathered the storm of the Last War amazingly well. The size of the nation, the strength and determination of its people, and its abundance of resources gave it the ability to carry on when others fell back, to choose its own course and not be dependent on allies of convenience. Breland did earn friends over those years, and ties between Breland and Zilargo remain strong now that the war has ended.   The central and southern regions of the nation saw little if any direct conflict over the century of battle, but no one in Breland made it through without losing a friend or loved one to the war effort. While the farms north of Wroat and Galethspyre never suffered the indignity of invasion, it was the sons and daughters of the farmers who went off to fight for Brelish honor and glory. They fought at the borderlands, repelling invaders, and they fought across the borders, taking the battle to whatever nation was considered an enemy that season.   Today, the borderlands of Breland remain strong and on the alert, even as reconstruction takes place to repair the ravages of battle. In the west, the fortress of Orcbone and Shadowlock Keep watch for any incursions from Droaam. Drum Keep, in the north, watches the Eldeen border, where so many on both sides fell in some of the worst battles of the Last War. Sword Keep and Brey Crossing protect the borders with Aundair and Thrane, while Sterngate keeps an eye on the passes into Darguun. Perhaps the most active post in the current day is Kennrun, where knights and warriors must constantly deal with threats emerging from the dead-gray mist surrounding the Mournland.   Breland is a progressive nation that welcomes all who come in peace with open arms and the promise of honest wages for honest work. Its progressive nature, however, provides a home for those who wish to engage in less than honest work, especially in the larger cities. The nation works hard to maintain the Treaty of Thronehold, for King Boranel believes that peace is a better road to travel than war. King Boranel is well and truly loved by the majority of the Brelish people. Unfortunately, Boranel's age is beginning to show, and none of his surviving heirs have demonstrated even a modicum of his intelligence and charisma. Many believe that Breland's strength relies on Boranel's leadership, and many of his enemies beyond the borders of the nation cannot wait for him to fall. Will the hope of many who covet the Brelish countryside come to pass? When King Boranel falls, so falls Breland? Only time will tell.   Breland's military tradition is one of independence, charismatic leadership, and freestanding militias of commoners answerable to the kingdom's cities and provinces. Breland is also known for the excellence of its archery and, most important, its habit of rewarding merit in its officer corps, rather than seniority, social rank, family connections or perceived piety. Its army is larger than any other of the Five Nations save for Karrnath's.   The Brelish Army has an uneasy relationship with mercenaries, using them to reduce its own losses but never quite trusting them. A Brelish infantry platoon of thirty troops consists of three volunteer squads or, in the last twenty years of the Last War, three enlisted squads. Each squad consists of ten soldiers. These all-volunteer squads, consisting of citizen militia taking up arms on their own initiative, are led by a sergeant, who is usually a low-level fighter or warlord. An all­enlisted squad features trained soldiers, usually from city backgrounds, whose seargent is a low-level fighter, ranger or warlord. The troops in a platoon are usually led by a captain, a 3rd-level warlord or fighter. A company of one hundred and twenty troops consists of four platoons. A major, normally a 4th-level warlord or fighter, commands the company. A regiment of footsoldiers or archers comprising three hundred and sixty troops consists of three companies. Such regiments are led by colonels, normally a 5th-level warlord or fighter. Colonels are usually mounted, though they command the infantry. A legion—the largest unit that Breland typically fields—consists of two or three regiments of between seven hundred and over one thousand troops and is commanded by a field marshal, who is usually a 7th- or 8th-level warlord or fighter and an adjunct colonel, who is a 6th- level warlord or fighter. A typical Brelish legion is made up of a regiment of foot soldiers, a regiment of archers, and a regiment of cavalry operating under a field marshal.   Brelish cavalry is organized into lances, squadrons, and regiments. A captain, normally a 2nd- level warlord or fighter, commands a squadron of three lances (the term for Brelish cavalry platoons). Cavalry lances, consisting of either a quartet of mounted corporals who are lst-level fighters or a trio of heavy chargers, are commanded by a captain who is usually a 2nd-level warlord or fighter. Cavalry squadrons, consisting of either fifteen mounted light soldiers or twelve heavy chargers, are commanded by a major who is a 4th-level warlord or fighter. The squadrons also usually contain two captains who are 2nd-level warlords or fighters and the rest of the soldiers are corporals who are lst-level fighters. A cavalry regiment groups six squadrons and is led by a major, a 5th level warlord or fighter. Beyond the regiment level, cavalry is incorporated into combined arms legions with infantry, typically with a single cavalry regiment combined with one or two regiments of footsoldiers or archers   Brelish Rangers are troops specialized in reconnaissance, keeping the large Brelish legions moving in the right directions. They operate miles or even days in advance of their regular forces. The most common unit of Brelish Rangers is called a band, or sometimes a “Ranger's dozen,” of eleven soldiers. Made up solely of trained warriors, a band of Brelish Rangers consists of standard wilderness-skilled volunteers, assisted by a wizard or artificer and led by a human or shifter ranger capable of tracking and assessing enemies' forces as indicated below:   Warden: human or shifter ranger or warden 3. Wands (2): human wizard or artificer 1. Volunteers (8): human fighter 1.   The armies of Breland are quick and flexible, striking from ambush and quick to retreat when things turn against them. They are fierce in protecting their own territory and much more hesitant beyond the borders they know. Brelish troops operate in standard ranks and formations, but are fully capable of fighting even when their commanders are slain. Breland is particularly renowned for the skill of its archers with the longbow.   Breland's elites include famed strike forces and dragoons. The Redcloak Battalion is the best of the best among Brelish elite forces. Devastatingly skilled heavy infantry supported by magic, the Redcloaks served as an immovable rock in the front lines of several Brelish battles. The group never exceeds forty members but is fully capable of outfighting far superior numbers. More extensive information about the Redcloak Battalion can be found in Sharn: City of Towers, on page 140.   A Redcloak strike force is the smallest operational unit of the battalion:   LieutenantMeira: female shifter ranger 14. Alain Lanner: male human fighter 9. Maal Jonz: male half-orc barbarian 9. Heeson Graccen: female elf cleric 9.   PolMakker: male dwarf artificer 9.   The Breland Dragoons are elite mounted infantry that are capable of traveling faster and carrying heavier gear than regular infantry. The Breland Dragoons, in their various companies and flashy uniforms, are not quite as famous as the boldest Brelish wands or cavalry units, but in many cases their toughness and mobility carried the day. Like cavalry, they are organized into lances and squadrons. Their weapons and tactics are often unorthodox. These elite mobile infantry lances, like the one below, are supported by an artificer:   Captain: human warlord 4.   Hussar Sergeant: human fighter 2.   Hussar Wand: human artificer 2.   Outriders (8): human fighter 1.   Столица: Роат   Население: 3 700 000 (44% люди, 14% гномы, 10% полу¬эльфы, 8% эльфы, 7% дварфы, 4% халфлинги, 4% пере-вертыши, 4% гоблиноиды, 3% орки, 2% прочие)   Экспорт: Оружие, доспехи, инструменты, переработан¬ная руда, изделия из металла, промышленные товары, тя¬желая промышленность.   Языки: Общий, Гномов, Эльфов, Дварфов, Халфлингов, Орков, Гоблинов, Сахуагинов.   Бреландия, один из Пяти Народов, изначально основан¬ных людскими колонистами Кхорвайра, смешивает в себе добротную земледельческую традицию с городским, промышленным мировоззрением, особенно характер-ным для ее крупных городов. Также как и у остальных Пяти Народов, в течение продолжительного времени у Бреландии изменялись границы. В 32 ГК государство было названо в честь Бреи, дочери короля Галифара I.   В период правления последнего короля Галифара го¬сударством управляла Роанн ир'Винарн. Младщая дочь короля Джарота, Роанн, была полной противополож¬ностью своего брата-близнеца, Рогара из Аундаира. Она была худощава и проворна, отличалась глубокомыслием и любовью ко всему изящному. Больше всего на свете она любила свободу и обещала сделать Бреландию местом, где о людях будут судить по их поступкам, а не по со¬циальному статусу.   Когда Джарот умер, Роанн порвала со своим братом-близ¬нецом, уважавшим порядок преемственности. Вместо того чтобы поддержать претензию на трон Мишанн из Сайра, она собрала своих вассалов и заявила о своем намерении править королевством. Как ни странно, сво¬бодолюбивый народ Бреландии был одним из основных зачинщиков Последней Войны, так как их предводитель желал распространить идеи свободы и огнем и мечом взращивал демократию.   До Последней Войны к государству относились все земли современной Бреландии, а также те, что теперь являются Зиларго, Дроаамом и Теневым Пограничьем. В настоящее время королевство расположено в землях между Серой Стеной и Воющими Пиками, протянувшись на север до самых Черных Вершин и Озера Галифар, а на юг - до южного побережья материка. Современный правитель Бреландии - король Боранел ир'Винарн (ХД мужчина человек, аристократ 3/ воин 8) - ведет свое про¬исхождение от Роанн. Боранел правит Бреландией с 961 ГК, он гордо подписал Тронхолдский Договор, тем са¬мым, помогая окончить Последнюю Войну. В свое время, Боранел вел свою армию в атаку в шести важных схватках с вражескими войсками, участвовал в двух путешестви¬ях в Ксен'дрик и лично сражался с чемпионом Дроаама, чтобы закончить чрезвычайно долгий и кровавый период противостояния между этими двумя государствами.   Сегодня, Бреландия - одно из сильнейших государств Кхорвайра. Обладая своим огромным населением и мощ-ным промышленным центром, Бреландия смогла бы про¬должать Последнюю Войну в течение многих лет. Более того, некоторые считают, что, в конечном счете, она бы выиграла войну. Однако король Боранел устал от посто¬янных сражений. Он жаждал мира времен объединенного Галифара, мира, неизвестного его жизни. Когда появи¬лась возможность сковать новый мир, Боранел вложил весь свой энтузиазм и все силы в её осуществление. Он заключил сепаратный договор с Зиларго и тем самым сде¬лал государство гномов своим самым надёжным союзни¬ком в поствоенном пространстве. Он питает к Кайусу, ко¬ролю Каррната, уважение, граничащее с неприязнью; это уважение подогревается чувством неловкости, которое он испытывает в его присутствии. Сколь сильно Боранел уважает жителей Аундаира, столь же сильно он не до¬веряет сладкоречивой и амбициозной королеве Аурале. Напряжение также существует между Бреландией и Трейном: теократия севера может и преклоняет колено перед законным добром, но ей мешает репутация агрес¬сора, распространяющего свою веру при помощи меча и магии.   Бреландия продолжает участвовать в стычках с во¬енными отрядами Дроаама. Кланы чудовищ проверяют границы и совершают набеги на западную Бреландию; разведка Бреландии считает, что Серая Стена наполнена значительными силами. На юге, Бреландский флот защи¬щает морские пути от пиратов. Хотя флот подозревает, что пираты связаны с Лазаарскими князьями, но серьез¬ных доказательств этого - по крайней мере, с момента вступления в силу Тронхолдского Договора - нет.   ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ   Сельскохозяйственная продукция Бреландии оценивает¬ся наравне с лучшими товарами стран, производящих та¬кую продукцию. Однако многие из этих товаров не идут на экспорт - большая часть выращенного уходит на то, чтобы прокормить растущую популяцию. Северная часть страны полна плодородными фермерскими угодьями, в то время как южный климат прекрасно подходит для вы¬ращивания разнообразнейших тропических культур.   В остальной части Кхорвайра Бреландия известна свои¬ми промышленными товарами и тяжелой промышленнос¬тью. К примеру, плавильни и кузницы Шарна производят относительно недорогое оружие и доспехи. Несмотря на то, что они не так искусно изготовлены и украшены как произведенные в Твердынях Мрора или в Каррнате, они действительно сделаны на совесть и значительно ниже в цене. Также Шарн перерабатывает руду и прочее сырье и производит готовые товары; большую часть продукции Шарна скупают Дом Каннит и судостроители Зиларго и в дальнейшем используют ее для строительства кораблей и транспортных средств. Прочие промышленные центры можно обнаружить в Роате, Галетспайре и Стариласкуре.   На территории Бреландии находятся представительства и торговые центры всех домов, отмеченных драконом, и все они ведут серьезные дела на территории Шарна, Города Башен. На территории Бреландии находятся штаб- квартиры Домов Медани, Фиарлан и одного из отделений Дома Каннит, здесь также находится важный анклав Дома Вадалис.   ЖИЗНЬ И ОБЩЕСТВО   Население практически в равной мере делится на сель¬ское и городское сообщество. В Северной Бреландии - от Серой Стены на западе до Морской Стены на востоке - раскинулись фермы и пастбища. Благодаря плодородной почве и умеренным осадкам жизнь фермеров сравнитель¬но проста, фермы, не считая тех, что расположены непо¬далеку от Земель Скорби, продолжали процветать как во времена мира, так и во времена войны. В южной части государства преобладают тропические леса, в том числе и великий Королевский Лес, фермерские плантации и охот¬ничьи угодья.   Деревенская жизнь мало, чем отличается от жизни крес¬тьян других государств, разве что немного более сильным акцентом на личную свободу и постоянным движением в плане улучшения своего места в этой жизни. Большая часть сельского населения не столкнулась с ужасами Последней Войны. В настоящих столкновениях уча-   суждая их в тайне, без лишнего шума, и предполагают, что после смерти Боранела народ откажется от монархии и даст больше власти и полномочий парламенту. Другие надеются, что кто-нибудь из детей Боранела заполнит ва¬куум и станет лидером, похожим на отца. Пока ни один из наследников не продемонстрировал способностей к управлению государством.   В целях дальнейшего распространения принципов де¬мократии, по всей Бреландии регулярно проходят город-ские собрания. На этих собраниях простому люду предо¬ставляется возможность быть услышанному и высказать свое мнение короне и парламенту.   ВЛИЯТЕЛЬНЫЕ ГРУППИРОВКИ   У Бреландии хорошие отношения со всеми Домами Отмеченными Драконом, что также верно для каждого государства, ведущего свое происхождение от некогда ве¬ликого Галифара. В стране существуют торговые центры и представительства каждого из Домов, а некоторые из них даже используют Бреландию в качестве фундамента своей экономической империи. Очевидно, что наиболь¬шей властью в Бреландии обладает корона, как полити¬ческой, так и военной. Парламент и знать соперничают из-за своей доли политической власти, и лишь единицы наследных и избранных чиновников имеют существен¬ное влияние в государстве. Силой собственной воли и прямоты, король Боранел удерживает различные группи¬ровки вместе. То, что в хаотичной борьбе за власть могло бы сломаться, под управлением Боранела функциониру¬ет как хорошо смазанный механизм. Когда стареющий Боранел оставит корону, появится ли кто-то, кто сможет сохранить Бреландию единой?   Дом Каннит: В настоящее время у людей метки Созидания небольшой кризис управления. За операциями Дома Каннит следят три разных лидера, и ни один из них не хочет уступать своих полномочий другому. Несмотря на то, что это разделение власти пока еще не привело к фактическому расколу Дома, оно сделало сложным еди¬ное объединение могущества дома и его влияния, под од¬ним человеком. Один из этих трех лидеров создал свою резиденцию в Шарне, откуда он наблюдает за успехами Дома в Бреландии и Зиларго, также как и за первыми шагами Дома в Даргууне. У барона Меррикса д'Каннит (ЗЗ мужчина человек, изобретатель 9/ наследник, отме-ченный драконом 3), патриарха южного отделения семьи, есть любимый проект, который выходит далеко за рамки ежедневной деятельности Дома. В глубинах Шарна он тайно запустил Кузню Созидания. В этом тайном месте Меррикс возобновил эксперименты своего отца и деда, продолжая выпускать новых кованных, медленно, но ре¬гулярно. Также его притягивают Земли Скорби, он часто нанимает авантюристов для исследования разрушенных земель и возвращения реликвий, принадлежащих его се¬мье.   Дом Медани: Патриарх Дома Медани поддерживает анклав в столице, Роате, неподалеку от королевского дво-ра и зала парламента. Лидер Дома - старый друг короля Боранела, и даже раз или два присоединялся к нему в его приключениях, до того как Боранел взошел на трон. Дом обеспечивает некоторое количество услуг в помощь коро¬лю, предоставляя ему свои способности обнаружения и сохраняя его безопасность. Барон Трелиб д'Медани (НД мужчина полуэльф, вор 7/ мастер расследований 2), полу¬эльф огромной силы и влияния, который всю свою жизнь прожил в Бреландии и любит этот народ и короля, что иногда мешает его делам с другими государствами.   Дом Фиарлан: Исконный эльфийский род, носящий Метку Тени, поддерживает свой анклав в Шарне и мно-жество представительств по всей Бреландии. Баронесса Элвинор Элорренти д'Фиарлан (ЗН женщина эльф, бард 7/ теневой танцор 4) управляет Домом с первых дней правления короля Джарота. Она - великолепный лидер для общительных и артистичных представителей Г ильдии Актеров и Артистов, с любезной непринужденностью пе¬ремещающихся в кругах правящего класса. Большинство видит в ее эльфах актеров и артистов, а не глаза и уши ее шпионской сети. Она постоянно обедает с наиболее вид¬ными представителями Бреландии, Аундаира и Трейна и проводит большинство шпионских операций своего Дома от их имени.   Дом Вадалис: Несмотря на то, что род, хранящий Метку Обхождения, управляет делами из Элдиинских Владений, один из сыновей патриарха присматривает за важным анклавом Дома в Бреландии. Этот анклав дает Дому не¬много больший доступ к центральным государствам, чем Элдиинские дикие места. Расположенный рядом с де¬ревней Шавалант анклав выращивает как порожденных магией, так и обычных животных. Также предметом его гордости является великолепный ветеринарный центр, который помогает множеству ферм и ранчо, разбросан¬ным по всему северу Бреландии. У Дома Вадалис множе¬ство связанных с анклавом отделений по всей Бреландии, в том числе крупный центр в Шарне и небольшая усадьба в предместьях Роата.   Бреландская корона: Во главе королевского рода сто¬ит король Боранел. Его семья состоит из шести сыновей, пяти дочерей, а также выживших родственников - трех младших братьев, четырех младших сестер - и их жен, мужей и детей. Брат Боранела Кор (НД мужчина человек, аристократ 3/ воин 3) служит королевским советником и командиром Цитадели, в то время как его сын Бортан (ЗД мужчина человек, эксперт 5) служит королевским управ¬ляющим и заведует большинством финансов короны. Дети Боранела, младший сын Халикс и дочь Борина, были отправлены для обучения ко двору Кайуса в Каррнат, а также в качестве обмена ради укрепления текущего мира; со своей стороны к Бреландскому двору прибыла сестра Кайуса, Хэйдит, будучи вначале слегка застенчивой, она набирает популярность среди дворян.   Король правит государством из своего наследственного дома в Роате, залов величественного Замка Сломанного Клинка. Он был назван так в честь событий, относящих¬ся еще ко времени завоевания государства легендарным Галифаром I, когда (как гласит легенда) он смог победить, несмотря на то, что его меч был сломан в сражении. Замок Сломанного Клинка возвышается над Ревущей Рекой там, где она впадает в Реку Кинжал. Зал Парламента, место собраний и ведомства избранных законодателей, нахо¬дятся на расстоянии короткой прогулки от крепостной стены Замка Сломанного Клинка. Также у Боранела есть действующие резиденции в Шарне и Стариласкуре, а в западной части страны, на случай отступлений - замок Арахейн.   Бреландский парламент: Парламент состоит из из¬бранных и наследных благородных членов. Народ из-бирает членов парламента каждые два года. Члены, из¬бранные голосами избирателей (по одному от каждой деревни и маленького города, по два от каждого города и по три от каждой столицы, Шарна и Роата), посылаются в столицу для участия во всех парламентских слушаниях. Благородные члены получают свои места в парламенте на основании социального положения их семей: каждая дво¬рянская семья имеет одно место в парламенте. Каждый год, признанный глава семьи назначает члена семьи на службу в парламенты. В большинстве случаев, ежегод¬ное назначение является символическим, у каждой семьи   есть представитель, который находится на государствен¬ной службе из года в год. Короне Бреландии служат двад¬цать семь благородных семей.   Обычно парламент Бреландии работает совместно с ко¬роной, но иногда эти две ветви власти расходятся во мне¬ниях и даже сталкиваются. В частности один дворянин, лорд Рукен ир'Кларн (ЗЗ мужчина человек аристократ 2), не желает видеть продолжения правления монархии после смерти Боранела. Он и несколько доверенных за¬говорщиков стремятся устранить власть короны с уходом из жизни Боранела, тем самым, передав всю власть пар¬ламенту. Парламент, в свою очередь, изберет тогда пре¬мьер-министра, который и будет осуществлять контроль над советом и государством. В этой роли Рукен видит себя.   Дворяне и вассалы: Дворяне, получившие свои земли и титул от Бреландской короны, выполняют в государстве множество функций. Помимо защиты фермеров и управ¬ления своими поместьями, дворяне, так же как и дворяне других государств, поставляют войска и платят подати. В большинстве своем вассалы чтят своего короля и прекло¬няются перед ним, а также испытывают великое чувство гордости достижениями своего народа. Если бы Боранел, вместо одобрения Тронхолдского Договора, потребовал продолжения борьбы, то большинство дворян охотно продолжило бы войну. Горстка дворян, уважая лидерство Боранела, считает, что его дети - лишь тень его навыков и обаяния.   По этой причине они изредка встречаются, составляя планы по смещению монархии - или, по крайней мере, королевских наследников - тогда, когда Боранел сконча¬ется.   Цитадель Короля: Элитные агенты Цитадели действу¬ют по воле и в интересах короны Бреландии. Созданная в период Последней Войны как элитный отряд шпионов и разведчиков, Цитадель стала глазами, ушами и мечом Бреландии. Цитадель действует по всей Бреландии в ка¬честве основной организации, осуществляющей право-судие Короля. Когда преступление или ситуация грозит выйти за рамки полномочий караульных и стражи, они могут вызвать агентов Цитадели. Агенты, в свою очередь, могут вклиниться в любую ситуацию, которую они счита¬ют соответствующей, поскольку имеют на то полномочия короны. Также Цитадель проводит операции за преде¬лами Бреландии: собирает сведения, выполняет тайные миссии и бдительно работает, оберегая Бреландию от ее врагов.   Отчасти шпионы, отчасти следователи, отчасти солдаты - агенты Цитадели всем сердцем и душой служат короне и своей стране. У агентов есть своя клятва, и они ведомы своим долгом. Все всегда ожидают что они действуют на благо Бреландии.   На сегодняшний момент штаб-квартира Цитадели рас¬полагается в Роате, неподалеку от Замка Сломанного Клинка. Агентство имеет еще одну базу операций в Шарне, а также многочисленных «подвижных» агентов, действующих по всей Бреландии и, аккуратно, за ее пре¬делами. Управляет Цитаделью лорд Кор ир'Винарн, ему помогают капитаны, возглавляющие отделения агентства. Капитан Элланар (ЗД женщина полуэльф, паладин 6), к примеру, руководит Мечами Короля, отрядом элитных во¬инов, выполняющих специальные миссии. Остальные от¬деления: Щиты Короля (осуществляют защиту короля и ближайших членов его семьи и сторонников), Скипетры Короля (элитное подразделение магов и чародеев) и Потайные Фонари Короля (служба разведки Цитадели).   РЕЛИГИЯ   Граждане Бреландии главным образом принадлежат или! к Церкви Серебряного Пламени или верят в Верховных Владык, хотя народ, в целом, не очень религиозен - бре- ландцы больше верят в своего короля и самих себя, чем в богов, которые никогда не спускаются на землю. Тем не менее, эклектичный космополитизм Шарна распро¬страняется, в том числе и на религию; в великой столи¬це можно обнаружить представителей и последователей практически любой веры. Одни приверженцы просто пересекают его, направляясь в другую часть континента, другие оседают (хотя многие из них все еще планируют уехать, когда представится такая возможность) в Городе Башен, пытаясь предоставить духовную пищу текущим через город массам.   На территории государства сковали свои убежища не¬которые из наиболее сильных и опасных культов. Где-то в глубинах башен Шарна в тайне был основан храм Крови Вол. Множество разрозненных групп, посвященных Дракону Глубин, долгое время сохраняли позиции силы и влияния в государстве, хотя они довольно редко проявля¬ют свой истинный характер и намерения.   ГЛАВНЫЕ ПОСЕЛЕНИЯ   Сельская местность Бреландии усеяна фермами, паст¬бищами и крупными поместьями, которые покрывают равнины на севере и возвышаются над реками на юге. В то время как приблизительно половина населения страны является фермерами, скотоводами и крестья¬нами, трудящихся в поместьях Бреландской аристо¬кратии, другая половина живет и трудится в и около растущих центров торговли и промышленности - го¬родах и поселках, которые возникли в различных обла¬стях страны. Государство имеет две столицы, Шарн и Роат, а также множество поселков, деревень и городов. Шарн - самый большой город на континенте, не по своему размеру, а по количеству людей, называющих Город Башен своим домом.   Шарн (Столица, 200000): Поселение на Рукоятке Реки Кинжал было еще прежде, чем началась вестись история. Современная столица, Шарн, появилась еще во времена образования Пяти Народов, приблизитель¬но через семьсот лет после возвышения на континенте людей. Более двух тысячелетий росли башни Шарна, возвышаясь в небо на сотни метров. Благодаря такому вертикальному развитию столица и получила свое на-звание: Город Башен.   Впечатляющий горизонт города переливается изо¬билием архитектурных стилей. От глубочайших осно¬ваний до высочайших шпилей Шарна на всеобщее обозрение выставлена история всего континента. Тяжелая, гнетущая архитектура гоблиноидов являет¬ся фундаментом большей части города, эта каменная кладка уходит в прошлое, во времена, когда на конти¬ненте еще не появился человек. Поверх этого древнего фундамента периоды человеческой цивилизации на¬слаивались один на другом до тех пор, пока город не дорос до небес.   Город Башен может быть также как впечатляющим, так и гнетущим. Одни и те же каменные небоскребы у одного могут вызвать радость возбуждения, а у дру¬гого - горечь из-за размера, веса и непостижимых вы¬сот. Вне зависимости от тех эмоций, которые вызывает город, он остается местом безудержной активности в любое время дня и ночи. Огромным множеством культурных, кулинарных и торговых изюминок для   ЖИЗНЬ В МИРЕ   ЖИЗНЬ В МИРЕ   дегустации, а также местами вроде ворот в Ксен дрик Шарн привлекает гостей и путешественников со всего света. Это - очаг деятельности, в равной мере извест¬ный своими чудесами, уровнем преступности, пора¬жающей порочностью и неподдельно восхитительной атмосферой.   Шарн стоит на утесах Рукояти, широкого залива в устье Реки Кинжал. Эти недружелюбные голые скалы позволили расти городу лишь в одном направлении, вверх. В портах у основания скал загружают и выгру¬жают грузы и пассажиров с морских судов. На управ¬ляемых канатами и блоками массивных подъемниках поднимают и опускают товары и путешественников, которые путешествуют по окрестностям Скалистого Берега. Это - район рабочего класса, который постро¬ен внутри и на поверхности возвышающихся над ре¬кой и заливом скал. На вершинах утесов скальная сте¬на плавно переходит в самую раннюю, заложенную в древнейшие времена, кладку. Именно здесь берут свое начало город и его удивительные башни.   Как известно, по слухам, Город Башен расположен над озером расплавленной лавы. Те, кто работает в не-драх города, в подземном районе, известном как Зубья, утверждают, что ощущали, как из-за лавовых потоков поднимается температура, но немногие когда-либо спускались ниже огромных печей и литейных Зубьев в поисках самого огненного озера. Взаимодействие жары и магии позволяют рабочим обрабатывать руды и другое сырье необходимые для поддержания инду¬стриальной машины Шарна.   В этих глубинах древние руины, лабиринтообразные коллекторы, вертикальные шахты и заброшенные ком¬наты уровень за уровнем громоздятся друг на друга и поднимаются все выше и выше, пока не достигают населенных районов. В более высоких уровнях, состо¬ящих из башен, которые возвышаются как деревья в лесу камня и кирпича, и проживает большая часть го¬стей и жителей города. Более бедные члены общества живут в более глубоких частях башен, в то время как те, чье благосостояние и положение в обществе выше, живут в более высоких. Верхние уровни характеризу¬ются открыто-арочными башнями, балконами, моста¬ми и платформами, которые создают странную, напо¬минающую кружево, «твердую» землю высоко в небе. Над всем этим парит район, известный как Небесный Путь, где живут самые богатые горожане.   Шарн расположен в зоне проявления, связанной с планом Сирания, Лазурное Небо. Зона проявления усиливает заклинания и магические предметы, позво¬ляющие левитировать и по-настоящему летать. Вне зоны большинство этих предметов либо слабеет, либо вообще перестают работать. Без зоны рассыпались бы великие башни города и шпили, разрушились системы транспортировки, и рухнул на землю район Небесный Путь.   Перевозя людей, неспеша передвигаются от башни к башне небесные экипажи. По городу можно переме¬щаться пешком (практически в любую башню можно попасть посредством множества мостов, соединяю¬щих платформы и переходы на разных уровнях), по¬средством подъемников, перемещающихся вверх-вниз и из стороны в сторону по магическим прядям света, а также на выведенных магией животных, которые об¬учены перевозить пассажиров по городу.   Относительно навесных улиц Шарна есть знаменитое высказывание: «Если что-то может быть куплено - это можно купить здесь». Магазины и торговые лавки, ко¬торые обычно сосредоточены в торговых районах, от-крытые рынки (называемые «обменниками») и торго¬вые залы (называемые «башнями торговли», зачастую многоуровневые) могут быть найдены во многих ком¬плексах башен и зданий. Некоторые магазины высту¬пают из стен и мостов, ветхие деревянные строения, поспешно сбитые вместе, или построенные вокруг тре¬щины в камне. Другие занимают места, первоначаль¬но предназначенные для этих целей и арендованные у владельцев башен. Башни торговли представляют со¬бой тщательно продуманные обменные рынки, где ма¬газины, продающие различные изделия, расположены рядом и друг над другом в открытой полости башни или многоэтажного блокгауза. Помимо этих более или менее законных деловых предприятий, в Шарне про¬цветает черный рынок, где может быть продано все: от экзотических фруктов и животных до незаконных компонентов заклинаний и краденного. Власти Шарна прилагают все усилия, чтобы прекратить подобные вещи, хотя бы из соображений увеличения налоговых сборов, однако закон спроса и предложения диктует свои условия, сводя на нет все попытки. Это привело к появлению другого известного высказывания: «Если кто-то хочет что-то купить, он может приобрести это в Шарне».   Университет Моргрейва, со своими стеклянными стенами и беспорядочным подходом к обучению, был основан в Шарне и по сей день, поддерживает главный университетский городок в Городе Башен. Институт «обучения, охоты за реликвиями и разграбления гроб¬ниц», как его называют управляющие более уважа¬емого Университета Винарна, обеспечивает немало возможностей для авантюристов, плохо знакомых с ремеслом и вакансиями, и не так трудно заполучить свидетельство от Моргрейва для исследования древ¬них мест. Особенно способная группа также может получить от университета спонсорскую помощь или патронаж.   Городская Стража в Шарне приводит в жизнь Кодекс Правосудия Галифара, но на практике жители с большей вероятностью встретят представителя закона среди верхних шпи¬лей, чем в недрах города. Патрульные проводят регулярные обходы по мо¬стам, платформам и проходам на более высоких уровнях, рискуя спускаться ниже лишь тогда, когда это оправдано необходи¬мостью и здравым смыслом. Сторожевые башни могут быть найдены в любом административном районе города, однако, в действительности, для того, чтобы должным образом нести службу и защищать все народные массы Шарна, патрульных не хватает. Когда инцидент, оказы¬вается серьезней, чем возможности патрульных, они, неохотно, обращаются к агентам Цитадели Короля (которые поддерживают в городе свое присутствие). Но чаще, когда на короткое время требуются дополни-тельные представители, Стражи обращаются к аван¬тюристам.   Многие, живущие или работающие в Шарне, моря¬ки и торговцы, из-за близости поселений сахуагинов за Шаргоном, понемногу изучают их язык. Несмотря на то, что многие из этих племен все также враждебны к путешественникам, некоторые поселения сахуаги¬нов торгуют и предоставляют свои услуги в качестве проводников тем, кто направляется в Ксен’дрик че¬рез Зубы Шаргона. Знание языка поможет вам вести с ними торговлю, говорит ли или нет ваш проводник на Общем.   В Шарне процветает преступность. Она повсюду, в каждом месте, а сам город служит как перекресток, как для легальной, так и нелегальной торговли. На самом деле, некоторые воротилы преступного мира ведут внушительный и респектабельный легальный бизнес для прикрытия своих незаконных действий. Некоторые из них обладают высоким положением в обществе и даже жертвуют часть своего богатства различным бла-готворительным учреждениям и организациям. Если Городская Стража и знает об этом (а многие полагают, что должна), то она делает вид, что добро, которое они делают, перевешивает зло.   Не считая одной достойной сожаления атаки с моря, которая лишь оцарапала стены возвышающегося над заливом утеса, Последняя Война никогда не достигала Шарна, по крайней мере, не в значении марширующих армий и захватнических сил. Поскольку тянулись годы кровавого конфликта, Городу Башен пришлось бороть-ся со шпионами, диверсантами, террористами и вол¬нами беженцев. Пожалуй, самый худший эпизод того времени произошел в 918 ГК, когда неизвестные ди¬версанты (никто так и не взял на себя ответственность за это событие) стали причиной падения Стеклянной Башни и смерти нескольких тысяч жителей.   Первая Башня (поселение, 64): На первый взгляд может показаться, что Первая Башня не заслуживает упоминания рядом с такими крупными населенными пунктами как Шарн и Роат. Если оценить это поселе¬ние лишь по количеству живущих в нем жителей, то оно могло бы не появиться даже на карте Бреландии. Являясь вратами в Шарн со стороны перевалов север¬ных земель, Первая Башня заслужила выдающееся по¬ложение и славу, соответствующую количеству путе¬шественников регулярно проходящих через его скром¬ные окрестности. Поселение выросло вокруг един¬ственной каменной башни, метров девять высотой, ле¬генды утверждают, что это была первая, построенная в обширном регионе Шарна, башня. Жители Первой Башни верят, что каменная кладка их древней башни; была сложена раньше, чем поднялась в небо любая из великих башен Шарна. Историки ставят эту легенду под сомнение, поскольку башня и построенная вокруг нее ветхая гостиница, несомненно, моложе древнего гоблиноидского фундамента, на котором вырос Шарн. Жители Первой Башни кивнут головой, вежливо улыб¬нутся и оставят ученых вместе с их заблуждениями, поскольку в своем сердце знают, что они живут в исто¬рическом и значительном месте.   Вне зависимости от того, насколько точна история этого места, Первая Башня играет важную роль в цикле жизни около Шарна. Те, кто движется в или из Шарна по земле - пешком, верхом, в качестве пассажира мол-ниевой дороги или каравана - могут воспользоваться только одним маршрутом. Этот путь прорезает скалы и утёсы, на которых расположен Шарн, резко поворачи¬вает на север и проходит через Первую Башню. Едете ли вы из Шарна или в Шарн, если вы передвигаетесь по земле, вам придется пересечь Первую Башню.   Все жители Первой Башни зарабатывают себе на жизнь обслуживанием проезжающих через селение путешественников. Большинство из них принимает на себя гостиница, поскольку путешественникам нужно перекусить, выпить, расслабиться и найти место, где остановиться в ожидании очередного каравана за гра¬ницу или проверки документов, чтобы войти в Город Башен.   Станция молниевой дороги, конюшни караванов, основной магазин и контрольно-пропускной пункт короны составляют остальную часть поселения, также как и разбросанные дома местных жителей. Находящиеся на контрольно-пропускном пункте ко¬ролевские клерки проверяют идентификационные и проездные документы каждого, кто хочет попасть в Шарн легально. Контрольно-пропускной пункт под¬держивает небольшой гарнизон, который обеспечи¬вает порядок в Первой Башне и защищают ее от бан¬дитов и мародеров, которые иногда выскальзывают из Королевского Леса.   Роат (столица, 80870): Второй по величине город в Бреландии.РоатявляетсяистиннойстолицейБреландии и центром торговли и коммерции. Не так плотно насе¬ленный и не такой огромный, как Шарн, Роат, одна-   Capital: Wroat   Hallmarks: Espionage, industry, metalwork, organized crime, subterfuge   In the wake of the Last War, Breland is one of the most powerful nations in Khorvaire. Possessing a large population and abundant resources, Breland leads the continent in industry.   The Brelish are known for their pragmatism and independence. They lack the discipline of Karrns and the faith of the Thranes, but they excel at finding innovative solutions to problems. The Brelish also have a talent for intrigue and subterfuge. The King's Dark Lanterns is one of the finest intelligence agencies in Khorvaire, rivaled only by House Phiarlan and the Trust of Zilargo. The dark side of these aptitudes is a strong streak of cynicism, which allows crime and corruption to flourish in Brelish cities and temples. The Sovereign Host is the dominant religion of Breland, but in general the Brelish aren't as devout as citizens of other nations.   King Boranel ir'Wynarn rules Breland in conjunction with an elected parliament. Boranel is a popular leader celebrated for his exploits during the Last War, but his children have yet to prove themselves, and a growing movement advocates for abandoning royal rule when Boranel passes.   Interesting Things About Breland   Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire. Almost a nation in its own right, the City of Towers is a hub for commerce and intrigue. Chapter 3 provides more information on Sharn.   The Boromar Clan is the oldest and most powerful criminal organization in Breland. The Boromar halfling leadership maintains ties to the Talenta Plains. Other notable criminal organizations include the monsters of Daask and House Tarkanan, an alliance of assassins and thieves with aberrant dragonmarks (see chapter 4 for more about these crime syndicates).   Breland's major cities are highly cosmopolitan. Due to its proximity to Droaam, Breland's cities include more monsters—ogres, orcs, goblins, and even sahuagin, harpies, and gargoyles—than elsewhere in the Five Nations.   Brelish Characters   As you develop a Brelish character or NPC, consider the following qualities:   Slightly Shady. Many Brelish have a loose relationship with the law. Even if you're a hero, you might have questionable connections or friends in low places. Backgrounds such as criminal, spy, or charlatan can reflect this tendency, regardless of your class. You could also be a folk hero who challenges the laws to protect the innocent, or an entertainer who plays in every dive in Sharn.   Innovative and Independent. Find your own path in the world; don't simply follow established traditions. As a cleric, you might challenge your church and follow your own divine revelations. As a wizard, you could search for new techniques or attempt to unravel forgotten secrets.   Practical. Whether it's about fashion, food, or conversation, the Brelish tend to be pragmatic. Why spend a fortune on a fancy meal when a simple one will do? You use whatever tool gets the job done, and you don't see a need for unnecessary flair.   Cities and Sites   Beyond the magnificence of Sharn, Breland hosts a vast spectrum of other wonders.   Argonth   The floating fortress of Breland, Argonth is one of the marvels of the Last War. The product of House Cannith ingenuity and Brelish industrial might, Argonth is the largest engine of war ever built. This moving city is home to thousands of soldiers. Currently Argonth patrols the edge of the Mournland, but if tensions rise with Droaam or Darguun, the fortress can be deployed to reinforce a threatened border.   As a Brelish soldier or spy, you might have served aboard Argonth for a time before some incident led you to become an adventurer.   Black Pit   A massive chasm in the Blackcap Mountains, the Black Pit is over a mile across and descends beyond the limits of sight. It's said to be an entrance to the abyss of Khyber, and foul creatures live among the caves that honeycomb its walls. A nearby village—also called Black Pit—provides a haven for deserters and other criminals as well as a thriving black market.   If you have shady friends, you've likely heard of Black Pit's reputation as a place to quietly "disappear." Similarly, if you have ties to the King's Dark Lanterns, you know where to find some of Breland's worst criminals.   New Cyre   What began as a refugee camp has evolved into a struggling town hosting thousands of Cyran refugees. Prince Oargev holds court in New Cyre, considering himself a king in exile. Though resources are scarce, New Cyre remains a symbol of hope for many refugees. It's also a last stop for those determined to explore the Mournland.   Sharn   The City of Towers is described in chapter 3. Law and chaos dance on a knife's edge here, one never truly gaining advantage over the other.   Vathirond   Throughout the Last War, this town was beset by armies from Thrane, Cyre, and Karrnath. Vathirond's residents still hold grudges against these close foreign neighbors. However, their attention of late has been focused on the Mournland. Nameless horrors have begun to slip into Breland from the east at an alarming rate, and Brelish soldiers and adventurers stationed in Vathirond are usually the first to contend with these threats.   Wroat   Built on both sides of the Howling River at a point where the river widens, the ancestral seat of the rulers of Breland seduces visitors with its tree-lined avenues, elegant drawbridges, cleanliness, and laid-back atmosphere. Perched on a rocky island in the middle of the river, surrounded by military docks and barracks, is Brokenblade Castle, the king's stern fortress.   In contrast to its welcoming countenance, Wroat casts dark shadows, and much goes on quietly behind closed doors. The absence of beggars and riffraff in the streets might also raise suspicion that Wroat is putting on appearances. The King's Dark Lanterns are ever vigilant here, and newcomers who aim to misbehave tend to disappear quickly and without so much as a whisper.
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