Aerenal Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


In Aerenal, you might... Consult an elven archmage who's been dead for twenty thousand years. Battle sinister forces that have crawled into Eberron from a realm of eternal night. Learn secrets of magic unknown in Khorvaire. The massive island of Aerenal is the ancient kingdom of the elves. Its jungles provide strange and valuable lumbers: soarwood used for the hulls of airships, tough bronzewood, and trees that remain alive after being felled.   The island's proximity to the planes of Irian and Mabar (both described in chapter 4) allows the lines between life and death to become blurred. Dangerous, dark forces creep in from the plane known as the Endless Night, but that planar resonance also enables the elves to perform feats of necromancy unmatched elsewhere in Eberron. Among the Aereni elves, the honored dead walk among the living. Heroes who died in glorious battle return to serve the Sibling Kings. And in the depths of Shae Mordai, the deathless lords of the Undying Court study the shifting balance of the planes and the path of the Draconic Prophecy.   Necromancy is a pillar of Aereni society, distinct from the sinister power most adventurers encounter. Positive energy sustains the deathless undead of Aerenal—both the light of Irian and the devotion freely given by their descendants. The elves of Aerenal despise necromancy that draws on the negative energy of Mabar, and agents of the Undying Court embrace their mandate to seek out and destroy vampires, liches, and other such undead.   Aereni civilization is over twenty thousand years old. Secure in their island sanctuary, the elves watched nations of goblins and humans rise and fall. The Aereni possess secrets and powers the rest of Khorvaire has yet to discover, but they are more interested in perfecting their ancient traditions than in innovation and discovery. An Aereni wizard might spend a decade refining the pronunciation of a single spell's incantation. For now, humanity can't match the power of the elves. If that balance changes, will Aerenal take action?     Shae Mordai Notable Locations Aerenal taunts visitors with its ancient secrets and trackless jungles.   The Sharn Inquisitive—Nightlife of the walking dead The port city of Pylas Talaear is a place of wonders. Stand on the steps of the Grand Temple and look down upon the High Street and you'll see fountains of light casting shadows across buildings that have stood for over ten thousand years. Brilliant motes dance through the air—spectral messengers carrying words across the city. But the most remarkable feature of Pylas Talaear is the dead. If you know anything about Aerenal, you've surely heard of the Undying Court, the deathless cabinet that guides the nation. Only the grandest members of society win elevation to the Undying Court, but there are many forms of preservation. Go to the Dalaen Forge and you'll see the ghost of Old Dalaen advising his descendants as they work wood and steel. Visit the Eidolon Tavern and you'll see poltergeists mixing drinks, and you can get advice from a spectral bartender with thousands of years of wisdom to share. Visit Maer Crossing at midnight and you'll see the spirit of Lady Jhaelian dance with a grace unmatched by any living elf. Wondrous as it is, as a human visitor, I found it more than a little unnerving. There's no escaping the past in Aerenal; it lingers all around you, whispering advice or warning you to avoid transgression. You never know when you'll feel the tingle of spectral fingers against your skin or hear the whisper of an elf who's older than human civilization. There are many wonders in Aerenal... just don't get buried in the past.   Pylas Talaear The gateway to Aerenal, this port city is the primary point of contact between Aerenal and the outside world. In this city driven by commerce, almost all the dragonmarked houses have outposts here, and it includes vast markets, warehouses, and lumber yards.   Shae Cairdal This city is the capital of Aerenal, the seat of the Sibling Kings, and the center for commerce and diplomacy between the elven families, who otherwise remain isolated in their own city-states. Foreigners are encouraged to conduct business in Pylas Talaear.   Shae Mordai This ancient citadel houses the Undying Court, the deathless ancestors who shape the destiny of Aerenal. It is built atop a rift to the Plane of Irian and suffused with positive energy. Almost no commerce takes place here. This center for arcane study also serves as a memorial to all the heroes of the elves, both the deathless and those lost in the distant past. The Citadel of the Court is said to be far larger than it appears and to hold the greatest treasures of the elves.   The North The northern steppes of Aerenal are the domain of the Tairnadal, the warrior elves who seized control of Valenar. Although much of their population now resides in Valenar, many Tairnadal noncombatants—children, artisans, and the druids who raise their remarkable beasts—remain in Aerenal.   Aerenal's Influence in Khorvaire In Khorvaire, you might...   Team up with an agent of the Undying Court to bring down a powerful vampire. Be summoned by a deathless sage who needs your help to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Bargain with a merchant offering rare magic items. Few Aereni elves are interested in the world beyond their island. The Aereni see Khorvaire as a primitive backwater, and humans as dangerously impulsive. Aereni who travel to Khorvaire have a concrete purpose for the journey, which could drive an adventure.   The magewrights and artificers of Aerenal are more advanced than those of Khorvaire. Aereni artisans fashion rods, staffs, and wands, and other rare or even legendary items may come from Aerenal. However, the nation is less industrialized than Khorvaire. Legendary items aren't mass produced; some are personally crafted by members of the Undying Court.   Aereni goods make use of exotic plants and woods. Bronzewood has the density and even some of the properties of steel; an Aereni cleric might wear a bronzewood breastplate, while a paladin of the Undying Court could wear a suit of elaborated engraved bronzewood plate armor. Bronzewood leaves are remarkably tough, and the Aereni craft "leaf weave" armor functionally equivalent to leather, studded leather, or chain mail. Bronzewood can also be crafted into weapons, and Aereni warriors use spears or swords made from a single piece of bronzewood.   Trinkets from Aerenal d8 Trinket 1 A bronzewood ring inscribed with the Elvish word for "hope" 2 A dried flower; if it's placed in water, it blooms 3 An ebony locket; when it's opened, an elven voice whispers "Always" 4 A tiny skull carved from dark wood 5 A finger bone inscribed with an unknown sigil 6 An ivory flute which produces no sound 7 A small journal made from preserved leaves 8 A book of poetry written by undead elves
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