Expanding on Backgrounds in Eberron Next | World Anvil
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Expanding on Backgrounds

One of the challenges that Backgrounds present in D&D is the idea that they represent where a character has come from, in a very broad way, but the backgrounds that we have do an imperfect job of describing the way a character continues to interact with the world.   We are going to take the existing Background rules and build out some extensions that will make this possible.   As a recap -- a background is constructed from a concept, two skills, two tool proficiencies or languages, and a special ability. It's a fairly light-weight design space that primarily serves the non-combat parts of the game. We are going to add additional stages to this, and turn background into an evolving expression of the way that each character relates to civilization and their world.   Basically, at each tier the character gets a choice.  
  • Tier 1 characters choose a background, as they always have.
  • Tier 2 characters choose an occupation.
  • Tier 3 characters choose a profession
  • Tier 4 characters choose a mastery.
  Most backgrounds will serve as the first step in a sequence through all four stages -- background/occupation/profession/master. In some cases, that may not make a lot of sense -- for example, it's difficult to imagine a professional urchin. At the same time, this design space allows for the campaign activity to make new BOPM options available as a result of the choices the characters make in the game.   As a design space, an Occupation, a Profession, and a Mastery each looks like the same sort of extension of the Background idea. An O/P/M consists of one skill, one proficiency, and a special ability.   Once we have the basics of this system outlined, we can start to tweak the basics so that they reflect the flavor of specific parts of the game world.  

Core Occupations:

  Starting with the basic backgrounds, we will develop a series of core options at each level.  
Background Occupation Profession Mastery
Acolyte Priest Bishop Archbishop
Charlatan Swindler Mountebank Entrepreneur
Criminal Capo Underboss Kingpin
Entertainer Headliner Virtuoso Director
Folk Hero Regional Hero National Hero Global Hero
Guild Artisan Guild Journeyman Guild Master Legendary Crafter
Hermit Ascetic Ascetic 2 Ascetic 3
Noble Baron Duke Royal Family
Outlander Wanderer Wanderer 2 Wanderer 3
Sage Scholar Doctor Dean
Sailor Mate Captain Admiral
Soldier Squad Leader Officer General
Urchin - - -


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