Whyrwhyr -deceased- Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Whyrwhyr -deceased-

Whyrwhyr is an deadly gnoll whose adherence to the ancient rules of the hunt has made him a force of nature in Cavallah's ranks. Known for bringing extravagant trophies from his hunts back to his mistress. His "pack", a gang of commandos from the Last War, are a significant component of Daask (Sharn Cell)'s shock troops.

In our story:

  Therin encountered Whyrwhyr and a portion of his pack while working for Ilsa Boromar, when they killed the halfling that delivered the map to the House Cannith warehouse that the Sharn Dragons stole from on their first mission together. Therin was able to kill a few of the young pups of the pack, but was unable to defeat the leader (who escaped rather than face the Warforged who gave them chase after the robbery).   Whyrwhyr led his pack in the attack at the Battle of the Boromar Ball, killing a handful of innocents before facing the Sharn Dragons. He fell to Therin early in the fight, despite using the strength of his pack to outnumber the party.