The Blackcaps Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil

The Blackcaps

Jutting fiercely into the sky along the southern shores of Lake Galifar, the Blackcaps loom over the borderlands between Aundair, Breland, and Thrane. Seen from a distance, the mountains have a distinctly ominous presence. Few trees grow on the lower slopes, and thick banks of clouds cling to the bare peaks. Red and green lightning can sometimes be seen playing among the clouds or licking the mountaintops. The mountains take their name from the complete lack of snow on the dark stone. Explorers who have dared the heights report that the rock faces are almost uncomfortably warm day and night, and snow falls from the heavy clouds but melts immediately rather than accumulating. Water pours down the cliffsides during rains or snows, and flash flooding would be a real danger if not for the many crevasses the water flows into. The sounds of industry or the cries of strange creatures can sometimes be heard emerging from the mouths of these crevasses, but no explorer has returned with tales of the interiors of the mountains.

In Our Story:

Plot Hooks:

Mountain Range