Session 26: Bienvenue en Thaliost! Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 26: Bienvenue en Thaliost!

General Summary

Welcome to Thaliost! The distinct smell of the fish market nearby overpowers your senses as you walk down the gangplank from the Pearled Oyster. Your muscles ache as you carry boxes of cargo, handing them off to rough looking men, who in turn carry them toward a rowboat to ferry them further into the city. Erisna, as you place the crate that you were carrying down on the weathered dock, you feel the cold metal of the ring that Captain Julian gave you on the chain around your neck as you recall his last-minute advice: don't trust anyone. Many of his friends in the Scion Liberation Front had gone missing in the past few months. He did urge you to try finding a man named Ambrose by talking to his handler at Harken's Magical Wares in the Three Corners Bazaar. He also reminded you, several times, that the rings effects would only last for about 10 more minutes, and that the command word "genocide" must be spoken to activate the magical effects of the ring.   Seemingly both nervous and excited to see you off, Captain Julian and a few members of the crew have joined you at the dock. Is there anything you want to ask/ say to them before they depart for Fairhaven?
  The Sharn Dragons said their goodbyes to the crew of the Pearled Oyster, and (in private) Captain Julian encouraged Erisna to come out with whatever she was holding back from the party.   Eager to set about their task, and wanting to eat something other than the rations that they had been sharing for the past few days, the party walked into the city to find breakfast. Passing by the Orien Chapterhouse and the Thaliost Lightningrail Station, Glittergem was guided to "The Pit Stop", a House Orien bar and restaurant. The proprietor, Eobard, gave the party quick directions to either the Gold Dragon Inn or Tira's Rest for a place to stay while they were in town, and offered his establishment as a cheaper alternative to the fare in the middle of town.   Tinker bid farewell to the party to return to Sharn. He promised to send word to the Sharn Dragons once he found Ashe about Therin and the fate of the city. Keth offered to escort him to the Lightningrail Station, and told the party he'd meet them at Tira's Rest in the evening. He needed the time to schedule his own train ticket to Droaam for the following morning. The half-orc had made his bargain with the Daughters of Sora Kell and would be on his way to The Great Crag to speak to them in person as they requested.   After parting ways, the Sharn Dragons went to the Three Corner Bazaar to find Harken's Magical Wares and do some shopping. Rare, who had disguised herself to fit in, took on the generic human alias of "Smithy" to be less conspicuous. The party bought new clothes to better fit into the more affluent parts of Thaliost and learned a bit more about the city. Erisna found Church of the Silver Flame brooches that she hoped would help them fit in with the city's elite. Rare found a strange painting (see sidebar) of the city that had an illusury image of the Aundarian flag as a backdrop. Glittergem, after some searching, found a smithy that she was able to rent for 50 galifar (30 up front) for use the following day.   While searching for Harken's Magical Wares, the party spotted a suspicious person staking out a derelict section of the bazaar. The would-be spy, seeing the party eyeing him, tried to escape through an alleyway. The party pursued, but was not quick enough to see what happened next. A elven bard was seen walking further down the alley, but would not stop when Erisna called out. Trying to close the distance, Rare almost tripped over the body of the man they caught spying. When she looked up, the elf was gone. Glittergem rifled through the man's pockets and found a slip of paper for the Healer's Guild Hall and a Silver Flame brooch that was hidden within his robes.   As they fled the scene of the crime, the party could hear a patrol of Knights of the Silver Flame marching nearby. They quickly ducked into Harken's Magical Wares and met its proprietor drunk on a stool at the back of the closed shop. Erisna roused him, and he told the party that Ambrose, who was notorious for being late, hadn't shown up for their last rendevouz. When Erisna told the old man that his shop was being watched by a man wearing a Silver Flame brooch, he threw his coffee to the ground and drug the party to a basement he kept hidden using a portable hole. Glittergem, feeling her haversack have a violent reaction to going near the portable hole, left it upstairs. Once in the hidden basement, Erisna caught the old wizard up on what the party was doing in Thaliost and asked for his help.   Harken informed them that the Scion Liberation Front (of which he, Captain Julian Tucker, and Ambrose are members) has been infiltrated by a double agent. Many members of the SLF don't know more than two people in the organization as a means of protecting themselves during the Last War. Harken only knew Julian and Ambrose. Erisna promised the old wizard that they and their friends would return Thaliost to Aundair. Harken seemed bemused at the idea that three adventurers could do what 80 years of war and resistance fighting could not, but thanked the elf for the gesture. With nothing left to discuss, he created an arcane door and left the rest of the party in his hidden cellar.   Rare had Glacias scout outside the portable hole to learn that the Knights had found the store and had broken through the front door. The tiefling then took hold of Erisna and used her Dimension Door spell to teleport the two of them 50 feet into the air. After plumetting 20 feet down to the roof, the elven paladin dropped down to the street and prepared to run. Rare, desparate to have Erisna appear to be innocent, feigned an attack on her ally to throw the guards of her scent. Though largely successful, it drew crossbow fire from both the Knights and Erisna was still not allowed to leave.   Meanwhile, Glittergem used her Invisibility spell to creep through the portable hole and try to make her way past the remaining four Knights who were still searching the shop. Avoiding the armor-clad guards, she accidently stepped in Harken's abandoned coffee and was forced to abandon her shoe in order to escape. Leaving out the front door, she soon found herself at the back of the two Knights firing on Rare. Using gravel from the alleyway as buckshot, she struck the two guards and dropped her invisibility. Rare used that moment to her advantage and struck each of them with an Eldritch Blast to render them unconscious. Erisna had taken the distraction as an opportunity to run, and Rare used Disguise Self to change her shape and follow her friend.   Glittergem, stranded with a literal smoking gun, rendered aid to the two guards (a 1st and 2nd level Cure Wounds) and pretended to be a first responder to the incident. The guards believed her, and did not notice that she was missing a boot. After being thanked for her assistance by a grateful guard, Glittergem too set off in search of her friends.
*The "Rebel Painting" is a painting of Thaliost from a birds-eye view. At first glance, it is only a beautiful rendition of the city as it was nearly 60 years ago, when the Cathedral of the Guiding Torch was being constructed. When held at a different angle, the landscape reverts (through fire and explosions) to the way it looked before the Thranes invaded over 80 years ago. An Aundurian flag can be seen waving in the background of the portrait, completing the message.  


  • Glittergem, Erisna, and Rare all bought new and fancier clothes for their foray into Thaliosian high society.
  • Erisna bought three Silver Flame brooches for the party.
  • Glittergem bought two pairs of high heels.
  • Rare bought the "Rebel Painting"
  • Glittergem bought the use of the smithy in Three Corners Bazaar for use on the following day.
  • Glittergem also bought 150 feet of rope and three torches.
  • Loose Threads in Thaliost:

      Where's Ambrose? Captain Julian's contact in Thaliost has gone missing, presumedly kidnapped by agents of Solgar Dariznu, the Archbishop of Thaliost. Harken, his handler, was supposed to meet with him two days ago, and he hasn't shown. Though the old wizard acknowledges that Ambrose isn't his most trusted agent, he is concerned that the old barkeep had reported that he had important news to discuss and he never showed. He recommended that the Sharn Dragons investigate "Alarud's Pub" on the west side of the city to learn more.   Killer Music! The man sulking outside Harken's Magical Wares was murdered in an alleyway by an elven bard. Harken doesn't know anything about bard assassins, but pointed the party toward the Demense of Shape as the biggest haunt for bards, sculptors, and actors in this town.   Return to Sender. The man that was murdered in the alleyway had nothing in his pockets except for 20 galifar and a piece of parchment with the address of the Healer's Guildhall in Thaliost.   Journalistic Integrity. Archbishop Solgar Dariznu is scheduled to give an interview with the Korranberg Chronicle in three days. The ring that Captain Julian gave the party is intended to force the Archbishop to tell the truth when questioned about crimes against the Aundarian people in Thaliost. Can the party get the ring on the Archbishop's finger, and get the journalist to ask the tough questions?
    Report Date
    04 Jul 2021

    Other Loose Threads:

      Did We Win? The Sharn Dragons, just returning to civilization for the first time in six months, do not know the fate of their friend Therin or the city they risked so much to save. Tinker, sensible enough to read the paper, informed them that current news doesn't discuss anything about wholesale destruction in the city. He did note, with regret, that the city seems to be arresting a lot of the goblin and changeling populations for some reason. The party could probably learn more details from someone with a bit of worldly knowledge.   'Til Death Do We Part... Rare is concerned that her wife, Ea, is truly gone after their disappearance. Previously, she was paying a monthly fee to keep her wife's body at the Paneceum in the Upper Wards, but she has been gone for six months. What happened to Ea?   The Daughters. Keth made a deal with the Daughters of Sora Kell to give the party the power they needed to leave Risia and return to Eberron. This bargain stipulates that Keth return to Droaam render a service of great importance to the hags. With the half-orc and Glittergem going steady, that may put a wrinkle in the budding romance.