Sean Miller Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Sean Miller

Sean Miller is Glittergem's former commander in the Brelish Army. A horrible coward in the face of adversity, Captain Miller made most of his decisions with career advancement at the forefront of his mind. After a failed campaign in the Eldeen Reaches that left many of his soldiers dead in the field, he advanced toward Droaam before returning home for "family reasons", leaving his executive officer to clean up his mess.   Now, Sean is the newest member of the Sharn Council, winning his seat from Caskar Halavik in Middle Menthis. His instincts for self preservation and political expediency remain intact, and he is known for following the winds of the majority.

In Our Story:

  Sean was Glittergem's CO in the War, and was invited to the Boromar Ball. He is also the only NPC that can be killed without provocation, strictly for the DM's amusement.


  IRL, Sean Miller is useless. In this story however, he can be a means that the party uses to gain access to the Sharn Council.  

Interactions with other NPCs:

  Sean is seen as a milquetoast member of the council, following the pervailing winds.