Queen Diani ir’Wynarn, Blood Regent of Thrane Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Queen Diani ir’Wynarn, Blood Regent of Thrane

Diani tries her best to preserve the traditions of her people while striving to keep the monarchy relevant. One day she hopes to seize power in Thrane, but she knows she cannot accomplish this alone. To date, she remains little more than a political fi gurehead. Theocrats regard her as an expert in etiquette within the rarefi ed world of the nobility. Her rivals regard her as a tragically beautiful woman whose sole function is to look elegant at formal events. They would be wise, however, not to underestimate her.   Diani uses Thalingard, the royal palace in the capital city of Flamekeep, as her primary residence throughout the year. Here, she keeps one finger on the pulse of her nation. However, Diani often retreats to Silvercliff Castle, her family’s summer residence, for short periods of respite.

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