Prisoner Briar Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Prisoner Briar

Briar the Greensinger spent decades wandering the eastern Eldeen Reaches and Aundalr, raising spirits and encouraging the farmers and plainsfolk to rise up against the absentee nobles. His actions set the wheels of secession in motion, ultimately resulting in the great split of 958 YK. Even then, Briar was not satisfied, though, and he continued to roam the borders, dartmg Into Aundair and embarrassing the queen with his words and deeds. The crown devoted considerable resources to capturing the insurgent, and in 968 YK he was brought to justice. The queen knew Briar was a folk hero, and his execution might make him a martyr. Instead, he was sent to Dreadhold, where he sits in a magically silent cell. He has not heard a sound in thirty years. A lesser man might have been driven mad by this experience, but Briar can still hear music in his head, giving him the strength to carry on.