Millicent ir'Orsay Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Millicent ir'Orsay

Millicent has risen to the rank of Knight Paladin at the young age of 24. Though nobility is a requirement for the position, she is the first in modern memory to have also earned the title with her martial prowress and boundless faith. Moving immediately from her family's estate in Wroat to the cathedral in Sharn, Millicent's only perceivable flaw is her boundless faith and trust in the Church of the Silver Flame.   She commands 36 paladins for the Church and the training academy at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame in Sharn. Many of her paladins are securing the route to Wroat, the first leg of the pilgrimage to Flamekeep. The rest secure the cathedral's grounds and the Archbishop.

In our story:

  Millicent is Erisna's immediate supervisor at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame in Sharn. She is known as a fierce warrior that has not met her match in battle.