Dr. Juliona Walleau Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Dr. Juliona Walleau

The department of history has worked to understand all aspects of the past century of warfare. The department chair is Dr. Juliona Walleau, an Aundairian nationalist. Her latest book The Forge of War has come under fire for portraying the Thranish armies as undisciplined zealots rampaging through Western Khorvaire.   Juliona is an active member of the Scion Liberation Front, and used to advise the field operatives in decades past when more conventional tactics needed to be employed. Today, she has little more to do with the cause than helping to pass information. Most students take her class because they believe in the cause, but some are radicalized through her lectures. Her favorite means of passing information is through her reading assignments and how she marks up the papers she returns to her students/ couriers.