Blackroot Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil


Blackroot, also known as Mordain's Hall, is a massive tower close to @Droaam's western border, and the residence of Mordain the Fleshweaver. It reaches high up into the sky, and is shaped somewhat like a malformed limb, seemingly made out of the flesh of a black dragon. The walls bleed when struck, but the tower's wounds heal extraordinarily fast. The tower has been magically protected against scrying and teleportation by Mordain.
  Gruesome flesh golems and malformed creatures (the results of Mordain's experiments) patrol around the hall.
  Long ago, Mordain released skinweavers into the woods surrounding his tower. These strange creatures weave webs using their victims' entrails, skin, and other assorted body parts, thus making it a monstrous place which the gnolls call "Khresht Rhyyl", meaning "the Forest of Flesh". They are not the only strange creatures living here, and any possible combination of twisted, bestial creatures grafted together may dwell in these woods, alongside even stranger beings such as aberrant dryads. Most of these creatures have had their instincts, dietary needs, or reproductive cycles changed in order to be able to fit so many predators in so small an area.