Karrnath Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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The people of Karrnath are stoic and grim. Karrnath is a nation of storms and long winters, and Karrns are accustomed to enduring hardship without complaint. First and foremost, Karrnath is known for its military tradition. Strength, strategy, and discipline are the core values of Karrnath.   While Karrnath’s soldiers may be the finest in the Five Nations, they lack the magical support of Aundair or Thrane, which evened the odds during the Last War. Nonetheless, Karrns are proud of their martial history, and most are convinced that they would have eventually won the Last War.   Karrnath suffered a series of severe food shortages and plagues early in the Last War. This caused the king to embrace the Blood of Vol as the national religion. The priests of this faith bolstered Karrnath’s forces with undead. The current King, Kaius ir’Wynarn III, broke ties with the Blood of Vol and has stopped creating new undead, but Karrnath still has a significant number of skeletons and zombies in service. Many Karrns still follow the faith of the Blood of Vol and approve of the use of undead, but just as many feel that this disgraces Karrnath’s proud military history and that the necromancers themselves might have been responsible for the famines and plagues.   Interesting Things About Karrnath:
  • Rekkenmark Academy is the premier military institute in Khorvaire; prior to the Last War, all of Galifar’s officers trained at Rekkenmark.
  • The Sovereign Host has regained its place as the dominant religion of Karrnath, but there is still a strong following for the Blood of Vol. Atur, the so-called “City of Night”, is the faith’s stronghold in Karrnath.
  • The Nightwood is a massive forest with a close tie to the Plane of Mabar. Monsters and undead sometimes slip out of the Nightwood to threaten the surrounding regions.
  • The laws of Karrnath are harsher than those of the other Five Nations, closer to a state of martial law.
  • King Kaius III is a strong proponent of peace, but many of the local warlords are certain Karrnath could and should unite Galifar, and there are whispers of a coup.
Founding Date
894 YK
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Related Ethnicities


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