Sai d'Lyrander Character in Eberron-#MyEberron | World Anvil
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Sai d'Lyrander

Vizier Sai Lyrander

Sai is the political brain of the Wind Whisperers, and the head of intelligence on the island. The trusted strategist to Ra and Morgan's military might, his is more a method of trying to control and channel their natural chaos and abilities.
  Now vizier of the Wind Whisperers, Sai needs to try and guide the hand of his leader and friend, and hold back her more wild tendencies. This is often a thankless task, and Sai is not a loved figure among the population of the islands. Yet his support for Ra among those in power is unquestioned. 
Sai still keeps the Lyrander honorific on his name, despite the flak he gets for this among the Lyrander hating Wind Whisperers. Sai considers the name useful though, a way to possibly ingratiate the principality to a perspective power agent, as well as a way to remember where he came from.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sai was born to a Lyrander heir mother out of wedlock, and he would never know his father. She briefly kept the child around, before she found him to be a political inconvenience and ditched him once she could marry into a more desirable position. Sai, at the tender age of 7, was thus dropped into a world at war. He was considered a goner, until a travelling caravan found him abandoned along the road and took him in. This caravan, had to travel through the nation to get to what they considered to be the relative safety of Lhazaar.
Sai would stay with the caravan for a decade as he learned their trade, and the ways of the islands he would now call home. His limited education from House Lyrander helped the caravan prosper, but he felt he was to do more with his life. He found that calling when he first met Ra, by then already the up and coming leader of mercenary company. He saw someone that needed a guiding hand, and he felt he had a way to do it. They got along well and quickly developed their own rapport. Sai positioned himself as someone willing to blunt the often overly enthusiastic combo of Morgan and Ra, and did most likely stop them from taking at least one or two unneeded risks. Together the three were a force to be reckoned with, and Ra would take that combo with her to the Three Sisters upon her rise to command the Wind Whisperers. 
Now Sai works as the vizier, and the more or less de facto head of state, Ra often not wanting to deal with the minutia that Sai can excel in. However, Sai has recently been allowing Lyrander overtures to come to the Whisperers, something which has not made him popular. Some worry whether Sai is allowing old desires to get in the way of his judgement.




Sai, thanks to his travels with the caravan and Ra, has become an excellent judge of character and prides himself on his ability to catch a lie. He is also a decent tactician, but often has trouble seeing the big picture, focusing instead on simply one or two pieces he can control easily enough-most often Ra and Morgan.


Family Ties

Mother is a Lyrander heir, and moderately highly ranking
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Bastard child to a Lyrander heir mother and a traveling merchant father. Was tossed aside when it was no longer useful to have had a child.
Long and Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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