Ryllaeled Character in Ebbavion | World Anvil
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Ryllaeled , the scary

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ryllaeled is one of the ancient chromatic dragons who decided to stay within the Realm of the Living, rather than the Realm of Chaos. The is little to nothing known about her deeds until she rose alongside her siblings and the witch of the north during the Great Magic War and brought thunderous chaos over the Crimson desert and the trading routes towards Eslira, destroying Widton, the Silvercreek Piers and other trading outposts. During that time she made herself guilty of killing and feeding on many of her victims.   When the wizard of the south struck back alongside Cyrdiar, Ryllaeled was severely injured and disappeared in the red sands of the desert.
Current Location
golden, glowing
dark blue, long, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blue with shimmering golden-blue scales


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