Eather'an Founding of the Churches of Light and Secrets.
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Founding of the Churches of Light and Secrets.

Religious event


The church of Light, devoted to the Dava, God of Healing and Protection, was one of the first organized religions started by the refugee's after Star Fall. The Church of Secrets, devoted to the Nor, God of Thieves and Shadows , was created right after the holy men created Dava's church.


The people banded together and a wayward Priest called for them to gather around so he could better tend their wounds. It was he that the humans rallied behind and started looking for a suitable place to start building, and he led them to the large lake in the middle of the continent. Here they built the first church and huddled within it as they erected walls and compounds to live in and survive.  


It was right after the folk that followed the Wayward Priest of Dava forgot about everyone else that the people knew they wanted something else. The Folk that didn't walk into the light, those that had secrets they wanted to keep to themselves, walked the other way and found a dark clothed man waiting for them. He promised comfort and privacy ad led them to the other side of the lake and started a small village in secret. They only numbered in the twenties, but they had each other.

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