Seltemver the Wicked Myth in Eather'an | World Anvil
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Seltemver the Wicked

Written by Salen

From the northern island of Irtusk to the far southern reaches of Farthtusk, orcs tell their children to "Be good or Seltemver will come and take you." This statement strikes fear in the younger children, and even some hardier orcs still look over their shoulder in the darkened streets at night after hearing his name.  
He comes in the night, his ship floating on mists, while the screams of the orc slaves he has on board cry for help
.   Seltemver, you see, is their worst enemy. An elf that is not a slave.


The myth goes that on nights when the mists are high, a ship can be seen sailing the coasts, looking for young orcs to enslave. These orcs are taken and put to work powering his ship and when children misbehave, he senses it and comes for them. He is an elven warrior, with white hair, a devilish curved sword, and a demon on his shoulder. He gives no quarter and kills without mercy, slaying orcs to get to the children and haul them away in chains aboard his sleek, yet dangerous ship.

Historical Basis

In SF 27, just two decades after the slave towers started being built, a ship did make port in the northern islands of Duoskar. The elf named Seltemver and a small demon like creature called an Imp, went into one of the towns and was set upon by the town guards. The elf killed them all and made his escape, running for the outskirts of town as his ship set off from the harbor in haste, fleeing pursuit. Folk who witnessed the ship leave said they saw orcs on board and assumed they were slaves of the elven fighter. During the day and night he was on land, Seltemver killed up near twenty orcish guards and freed thirty slaves from the local dwellings before hailing his ship and stealing a slave runner to get to it. The orcs he took with him were never seen again, and were presumed enslaved. No one ever saw the ship again on any sea or port.


This tale has spread to all of the islands in the Shards and has changed depending on which island you hear it from. The truth of the events are kept hidden from the populace, and more importantly, the slaves, since a figure like this could instill the hope that could lead to the Orc's downfall.

Variations & Mutation

In some telling's Seltemver has long hair, and in others he is almost bald. In any tale he is as talented with his blade as any orc master. Other varieties include having his Imp that rests on his shoulders breath fire, crack the ground and swallow orcs, and even steal orc children from their beds and fly out the windows with them screaming for help.

Cultural Reception

In the different orcish societies across the islands this tale is used primarily as a deterrent for children misbehaving, but in reality it is a stern wake up call to the leaders that anything could happen and to always be on their guard.

In Literature

Various poems have been written by orcish scribes but nothing has ever taken hold of the populace as much as the play titled, "And they all fell down" This retelling of the encounter with the ghastly ship and her captain shows the orcs being soundly thrashed but in a comical, never could happen way. this alleviates some of the fear and pushes the events back towards the myth, more than the reality.

Seltemver's Ship

One of the bases for the fear of this story is the accounting of the elf's ship. Those that saw its design knew that there was no ship like it in all of the Shards. Sleek and small, there was no sign of orc craftsmanship in the glory that was this fast paced ship that outran three of the orc stone ships.
Date of First Recording
SF 27, on the 9th of Selg
Date of Setting
SF 27 from the 5th of Selg to the 6th of Selg
Related Species

Hope for Slaves

Despite harsh beatings and lockdown of whispers and rumors, the slaves heard of this tale within months. The elves in particular took to this with hope, but not the hope that they would be set free. This hope was a little different than many would think of. Instead they hoped that out there, somewhere, was an elven culture that was thriving and free. Seltemver gave to them a kind of living dream that even though they were trapped and doomed, others still breathed free. This tale is told by hand sign in secret and passed down from generation to generation.

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Cover image: Mtg - Island by Piotrdura


Author's Notes

See the full story on the historical event here: Any Orc in a Storm

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