Wrathia Geographic Location in Eastrix | World Anvil
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Wrathia (Wrath-i-a)

The First Circle of The Seven Hells

“In the grim darkness of the far realms of the Seven Hells, there is only war”
- Toren Klendrenfeld,
Holy Crusader of the Light

Wrathia is the first circle of Gehenna and is the circle of wrath. Wrathia is the arrival point for visitors and evil wrathful souls deemed to eternal struggle within Wrathia. Wrathia or the Eternal Battlefield, has become a rocky battlefield with rivers of blood and clouds of biting flies from the full battlefields, that are littered with weapons and bones and constant combatants. Though Wrathia both works as an actual eternal battleflied, it is said that many eons ago, the angels of the Ten Heavens invaded the Seven Hells and that the battle took place in Wrathia. So the demons and devils decided that forever more, Wrathia shall be the field where the Seven Hells also shows where the hordes of Gehenna met the legions of Himmia on their native soil and prevailed.

The demon lord who rules the first circle, Wrathia is Orcus the Blood Lord. Orcus the Blood God, Lord of Rage, Taker of Skulls is wrath incarnate, the embodiment of a never-ending lust to dominate and destroy. It is Orcus' sole desire to drown the galaxy in a tide of slaughter, to conquer and kill every living thing until there is nothing left but spilt blood and shattered bone. He embodies hate and wrath and wants nothing but to the world dead. He therefor sits a top a throne made from the blood and skulls of the Eternal Battleflied, reveling in its mad violence and disdain for life.
Alternative Name(s)
The Eternal Battlefield
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