Adephagia Geographic Location in Eastrix | World Anvil
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Adephagia (Adi-fa-guy-ia)

The Third Circle

“There is change in the air now. The plagues taste a little different. The chime of the bells has a strange timbre. Even the bestials sense it, and they lift their elongated faces to the seamy heights.”
- Murdock, Half of the entity, Dio

Dead cities form a desolate urban landscape, and between them lie empty quarries, crumbling roads, slag heaps, the hollow shells of empty fortresses, and swarms of hungry flies. The slimy walls of cities rise hundreds of feet into the air, protecting the flooded halls of pox and decay. This is belly of the beast that is Gehenna, this is Adephagia. Though to many this seems like an infectious hellscape, Adephagia is the most lively of all the layers. Whilst many associate birth with the new life put into the world, many assumes this birth to the birth to that of a beautiful creature. However in Adephagia, birth happens and it happens often: a new pox is born, a new disease is matured or a new plague sets its roots.

In the midst of acidic rain spills from the ciricle's brown skies, thick layers of scum covering its putrid surface, and yawning pits lieing in wait beneath the murk to engulf careless wanderers, there lies a ministry. A cruid establishment of pox and biles of mucus makeup the fleshy Pox-Ministry of Epidemics. The Ministry, is ruled by The Five Commissioners together with Writchen, Pestilence's Father. Writchen together with these Five Commissioners work towards creating the ultimate pox as they spillover in habitual excess. The Five Commissioners are Pandemite of the Carrion Carnival, Ghelch of the Opensore Realmgate, Naegleria of the Bilious Brotherhood, Goutspleen of the Conquering Contagium and of course Lord Writchen.
Alternative Name(s)
The Belly of Gehenna
Dimensional plane
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