Mirror of Disintegration Item in Easthalen | World Anvil
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Mirror of Disintegration

“Yes my lord, we found the remains of the thief in the treasury. His screams led us to him. As there was only one item there and we all know what that vault contained, we followed protocol and used our own mirrors to secure the artifact. It has been covered and the theifs..remains..are being swept up as we speak and are to be sent back to his commander in a small box, blue I believe as they seem to hate that colour. “   Power Level: Artefact (10) Activation: Automatic – Use Approximate Age: Decades – 90 years Condition: Very good (7)   Description Like many artifacts, this one looks simple but is very powerful. It hangs on a wall or on a stand, but when discovered is normally covered by some kind of a cage of cloth to prevent the accidental use of its power.   Powers Any living being that looks directly into the mirror is disintegrated in a slow and painful manner. The only safe way to look at it is via another mirror.   Downside The major downside should be obvious – The mirrors power disintegrates anyone who directly looks into the reflective surface, otherwise, the mirror is a relatively safe object to handle and move, just don’t look into it, not even for a second.   Destruction A hammer from the artificer that made the mirror is rumoured to be the only way to permanently destroy the mirror. Legends say that doing so will bring the breaker many years of bad luck but the mirror will then be destroyed.


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