Zhentarim Organization in Eastern Farraway | World Anvil


The Zhentarim, an exclusive sect within The Black Network, is a shadowy organization that wields formidable arcane power to achieve its goals. With a keen focus on leveraging planar trade and arcane methods, they employ cunning strategies and esoteric knowledge to secure the success of the Black Network. Masters of manipulation and secrecy, the Zhentarim operate with calculated precision, navigating the intricate web of power and influence to further their agenda and maintain their position as a formidable force within the realms.


  • The Abandoned Roadhouse (Level 1)
    This roadhouse must have been a place a great activity in it's heyday, but now it is a simply an empty shell.
  • The Abandoned Roadhouse (Level 2)
    The remaining furniture in this second floor is covered with dirt, leaves and animal droppings.


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