Eashavar The Plain Accords

The Plain Accords

Diplomatic action


The Vale, Nothgard and Ciraeldon peacefully negotiate the matter of their respective borders in Pharos' central plains.

With the foundation of the Vale, the topic of the border of the lands in central Pharos became, once again, pertinent. This region had been officially unclaimed as an accord to the local Old Faith tribes there, though peoples from all neighboring regions had settlements within it.   With the accords, Nothgard was granted the western portion of the Tyrysale Forest in exchange for recognizing Ciraeldon's claims over the vineyards between the Aily River and Syren River. The Vale was granted control over the rest of the region after assurances of non-intervention with settlements and native tribes. The Vale thus became the de facto arbitrator for conflicts between the two.   Though not officially involved in negotiations, Ganemyth de facto received a portion of land west of the Syren River due to this policy of non-intervention by the Vale.