Ziva-Adaxa Ethnicity in Eashavar | World Anvil


The Ziva-Adaxa are a group of people nominally native to the region of Adaetha, though this modern political distinction is not wholly accurate. In fact, the Ziva-Adaxa are part of a larger category of "Ziva" people who largely intermingled throughout the Border Kingdoms region before the Rise of Althraxia and throughout Althraxia's reign. The "Ziva" people share many cultural traits, but they also maintain their quirks and distinctions. In Adaetha, the remaining Ziva-Adaxa are primarily Halflings.   Stereotypes of the Ziva-Adaxa includes their frugality, their love of the earth as exemplified by their dedication to farming, and their preference of pragmatic and simple solutions over any "academic" sorts of thought. The Ziva-Adaxa are also associated with fast speech, flailing hand gestures, and being very hands-on in their displays of affection (be they platonic or romantic).