The Emerald City Settlement in Eashavar | World Anvil

The Emerald City

The Emerald City is the name of a settlement which lies on the banks of Everaldimor's greatest river, the Elrenor River. Its population is impossible to estimate, as most Forest Elves merely reside in it temporarily to meet friends and trade before heading back out into the woods. The city also does not have any well-defined bounds or buildings; in Forest Elven fashion, trees and tents serve as the primary forms of housing. Such residences exist all throughout the forest, and certainly all around the bulk of the Emerald City's population, making a strict delineation hard. Inarguably, the Emerald City is a font of natural beauty. Falls, springs, and sky-reaching trees lit with glowing lanterns lie within its expanse, and the massive Elrenor splits into several streams here. Boats and ferries are the main forms of transit within the Emerald City; they also make up the primary method of arrival, as there are few ways to find the city except by following the Elrenor. Spices and smoke fill the air with a sickly-sweet scent, and trinkets from all over the world can be found here - for the right barter.