Sea of Waves Geographic Location in Eashavar | World Anvil

Sea of Waves

The Sea of Waves is renowned as a place of unpredictable weather and high waves, and few sailors dare to brave its waters. The boundary between the Sea of Waves and the Sea of Tears is not well-defined, but typically regarded to be around the latitude of New South Port and Dachstadt. The division between it and the Sea of Songs is far more well-defined, denoted by the median of Port Maelstron, which is the confluence of several ocean currents and the origin point of many severe storms.   Despite the dangerous waters here, the Barisean admiralty regularly traverses the region and has developed extensive knowledge of its weath patterns; knowledge that it keeps safely guarded to maintain its monopoly over the seas. The Sea of Waves is especially important to worldwide trade as its traversal is necessary to access the rich isles of Kai'Rin.