Hora Gwaith Settlement in Eashavar | World Anvil

Hora Gwaith

Hora Gwaith inherits its name from Fey lore, where Hora roughly translates to "mountain" and Gwaith can be translated to "home" in the Sylvan language. Hora Gwaith is not actually near a mountain, and its name instead originates from its tremendous, compact structure. The city houses more permanent residents than Cire Ael, but is significantly smaller in diameter, as its buildings are primarily constructed in a vertical fashion. These grow taller towards the center of the city, making it appear as a metal mountain on the horizon. Like Cire Ael, Hora Gwaith is a city of street performers and adventurers, but it is perhaps most notable for its availablity of any drug. The Vineyard's Guild holds no sway here, and one can find everything from the deadly to the mundane to bring oneself joy. The city's custodians have their own division of corpse-cleaners to handle the mess. The situation has been steadily brought under greater control by a joint effort of the churches of Pyriel and Deanala, who offer free services to heal and aid with addiction, as well as convert former addicts into a life of service to the city.