Freijäger Military Formation in Eashavar | World Anvil


The Freijäger are the militia men of the Free Cities of the Forsmarch. They are renowned hunters who apply hunting tactics to combat, often ambushing the raiding parties of the Uzbari or Thalgor in ages past. Today, the Freijäger serve primarily as the Free Cities' road patrolmen, ensuring that violence and crime are subdued under their self-appointed authority.   Despite the low qualifications one must meet to be considered a Freijäger, they are still considered to be highly-respected elites by the population of the Free Cities. Those who take on the mantle of Freijäger and betray the public trust are swiftly deposed of their position by other Freijägers, and any allegations of impropriety are immediately dealt with by more organized bands of Freijägers within the Free Cities. This loose and subjective manner of appointment has led to troubles in the past, which are collectively known as The Freijäger Uprisings.