Fairness Laws Tradition / Ritual in Eashavar | World Anvil

Fairness Laws

The Fairness Laws are a set of diktats imposed by the Council of Equity over Vaelhart, and, more broadly, The Vale. While the Vale has no official constitution, the Fairness Laws function somewhat as one, being immutable policies that define the values of the nation.   The laws initially declared that discrimination on the basis of race, religious belief, or economic class was outlawed, at the penalty of imprisonment. Since then, they have been expanded to include a wide span of other orientations, identities, and qualities, with varying penalties, most of which take the form of fines, weighted by percentage of wealth. Frequent offenders may still face prison or, more rarely, execution, at the behest of tribunals conducted by the Just Guard, which may be further appealed to the Council of Equity if the punishment is considered disproportionate or severe.   These laws strictly cover discrimination on an individual level. It is the purpose of the Council of Equity to ensure systematic issues do not take root.