Dragonkin in Eashavar | World Anvil



Dragonkin are an enigmatic race, almost universally respected and revered by the nobles of all societies despite their ties to the dragons their physical forms seem to represent. Predominantly, it is believed Dragonkin are related to the Silver Dragonflight from the times of its alliance with the High Elves. The actual origins of Dragonkin are largely unknown. While Dragonkin can reproduce with any other race, the offspring will always look like a full Dragonkin - only the scale color will vary.  

General Information

Rarity: Uncommon. (You may play this race only after consulting with the DM. There may be limits on the number of players able to play this race in a single party.)   Physical Description: Dragonkin have scales much like the color of the actual flights, but they are dulled, not as bright or vibrant as the dragons themselves. While Dragonkin originally stem from the Silver flight, their scales may take on the colors of other flights depending on their mortal ancestry, with different colors being associated with different (non-draconic) ancestors. They are bipedal, but not to be confused with Skizzards, as Dragonkin are both larger, more regal, and better-built. Dragonkin do not have hair, though they may have more flexible strands of scales that protrude from their heads, like cords, which are more sensitive and darker in color. Some Dragonkin - especially those from the Kcalsbury Continent or Rainy Country - may feature feathers which grow naturally from the softer areas of their skin.   Family Structure: Dragonkin are an ancient race, and they rarely reproduce, as it is rare they meet another of their kind for long. When they do breed, it is typically with other races, which dilutes their bloodline further. In such cases, they typically fall into the roles expected of them by their mates, whatever position they happen to occupy within their society. On the rare occasion that two Dragonkin do mate, their family remains small, with primarily just them and their children, until they are grown, at which point they may split again and wander.   Attitude Toward Society: Dragonkin, despite their draconic roots, are viewed as extremely wise, and can always find a spot in any court as an advisor or aide - if nothing else, their exoticism is a point of pride for any noble. They thus fit into societies quite well, when they accept the opportunities they're given, but they don't fit as well among the common folk, who view them with suspicion and fear.   Attitude Toward Gender: Dragonkin have little concept of gender. They may fit a society's roles and norms, but they rarely identify with any gender personally, and they tend to view them as silly ideas that lesser races must invent to create their own identities.   Attitude Toward Relationships: Dragonkin are very impartial when it comes to forming relationships, and even the closest of bonds tends to break fast, as they don't like to settle down for long. Dragonkin may form life-partnerships if they mate with a race that values them, but they typically only adhere to such prescriptions out of a sense of duty and respect to the person they've come to like, and not "love."  

Race (5e)

Dragonkin (5e)

ability score increase: +1 Strength
age: Dragonkin become mentally mature around the age of 20, but do not fully physically mature until age 30. They have lengthy lifespans, often living up to 300 years, though ones older by decades and centuries are also known to exist.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
race features:
Dragonkin which have multiple ancestries are not capable of taking the other race's traits, though their scale color varies according to the table below.  
  Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Farvision: You can see twice as far in dim light, and retain the ability to distinguish colors and detail under these conditions.   Draconic Ancestry: Dragonkin have advantage against magical sleep effects, as well as paralysis effects. In addition, you gain +1 natural AC.  


Flightborn Dragonkin are the 'standard' Dragonkin, typically quite large and bulkier in figure. These are the types that nobility typically favors to hire as advisors.   Strong-Willed: You gain advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.  


Drakeborn Dragonkin are a variant of Dragonkin prominent on the Kcalsbury Continent, featuring more lithe frames and a greater penchant for life-long exploration rather than retirement to academia or advisorial work.   Innate Toxicity: Whenever an enemy within 5 feet of you would attack you with a melee weapon and deal more damage than your Constitution modifier, they are poisoned by your blood spray, dealing an amount of acid damage equal to your Constitution modifier. This may occur once per round.

Versatile Heritage (PF2e)


Versatile Heritage
Your blood carries the influence of the dragons, most likely the Silver Flight. You gain the Dragonkin trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. You can choose from Dragonkin feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Additionally, you gain a scale color and other effects dependent on your ancestry, drawn from the table below.  
Ancestry Feats
Beyond MortalityDragonkin1-You recognize that the affairs of mortals matter little in the grand scheme of things.
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You recognize that the affairs of mortals matter little in the grand scheme of things. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion effect, you get a critical success instead.
Draconic PresenceDragonkin1-As a member of dragonkind, you project unflappable confidence.
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As a member of dragonkind, you project unflappable confidence. When you roll a success on a saving throw against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead. In addition, when you attempt to Demoralize a foe of your level or lower, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the Intimidation check.
Dragon's BreathArcane, Evocation, Dragonkin1-You channel your draconic power into a gout of energy that manifests as a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone, dealing 1d4 damage.
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You channel your draconic power into a gout of energy that manifests as a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone, dealing 1d4 damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You can't use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4. The shape of the breath, the damage type, and the saving throw match those of your ancestor on the table above. This ability has the trait associated with the type of damage it deals.
Dragon LoreDragonkin1-You are familiar with draconic mythologies and possess a diverse array of knowledge about your ancient ancestors.
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You are familiar with draconic mythologies and possess a diverse array of knowledge about your ancient ancestors. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Society and Religion. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Dragonkin Lore.
Razor ClawsDragonkin1-You have honed your claws to be deadly.
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Your have honed your claws to be deadly. Your claw attack deals 1d6 slashing damage instead of 1d4 and gains the versatile (piercing) trait.
Tail WhipDragonkin1-By birth or through training, your tail is strong enough to make for a powerful melee weapon.
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By birth or through training, your tail is strong enough to make for a powerful melee weapon. You gain a tail unarmed attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the sweep trait.
Ancient PatienceDragonkin5-You work at a steadied pace, tempering your action with gathered wisdom.
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You work at a steadied pace, tempering your action with gathered wisdom. You can voluntarily spend twice as much time as normal on a Perception check or skill check to gain a +2 circumstance bonus to that check. You also don't treat a natural 1 as worse than usual on these checks; you get a critical failure only if your result is 10 lower than the DC. For example, you could get these benefits if you spent 2 actions to Seek, which normally takes 1 action. You can get these benefits during exploration by taking twice as long exploring as normal, or in downtime by spending twice as much downtime. The GM might determine a situation doesn't grant you a benefit if a delay would be directly counterproductive to your success, such as a tense negotiation with an impatient creature.
Learn By ExampleDragonkin, Fortune5-In stressful circumstances, you recall the example your allies would lead.
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In stressful circumstances, you recall the example your allies would lead. When you attempt a saving throw while adjacent to one or more allies, but you haven't rolled yet, roll the save using an adjacent ally's modifier for that type of saving throw instead of your own.
Accursed ClawsDragonkin9-Your claws carry draconic magic.
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Your claws carry draconic magic. When you critically hit with a claw Strike, the target takes an additional 1d4 persistent mental damage.
Stand AsideDragonkin9-You absorb the force of an attack meant for an ally.
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You absorb the force of an attack meant for an ally. Once per minute, when an adjacent ally is hit by an attack, you interpose yourself in the attack's path. You become the target of the triggering attack and are automatically hit by the attack (or critically hit if the ally was critically hit), suffering the full effects in your ally's place.
Primal RampageDragonkin13-You tap into the unstoppable, primeval strength of your ancient kin.
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You tap into the unstoppable, primeval strength of your ancient kin. You gain freedom of movement and stoneskin as 4th-level primal innate spells that you can cast once per day. As a 3-action activity, you can Cast a Spell twice to cast both of these innate spells, as long as they are both still available for the day.
You Might...
  • Take pride in your draconic connections, or the mythologization of them.
  • Demonstrate patience, even when pressured to act.
  • Ambitiously seek to defy negative perceptions and prejudice laid against you.
  Others Probably...
  • Fear you may have secret connections with the dragons or @Thal.
  • See you as stoic or callous due to your subdued physical reactions.
  • Assume you are beholden to tradition and have ancient knowledge.