Cyrs Ethnicity in Eashavar | World Anvil



The Cyrs are the founding tribe of Ciraeldon, though they persist to this day in rural, Old Faith tribal groups. Furthermore, the people of modern Ciraeldon are largely immigrants and other peoples, and so when one refers to the Cyrs, one typically refers to those who still remain tribal. People from Ciraeldon, in contrast, are typically called Ciraelish.   The Cyrs are nowadays few and far between, primarily existing in the forests of The Vale. Most Cyrs follow the Ones Above by the doctrine of The Prime Canon in addition to Kurzwalg, the god of the nature-song. They are a peaceful people, and while they try to defend their lands, they are not as adamant about reclaiming them as some of their brethren. Cyrs are typically freely welcome in Ciraeldon, and their remaining villages are usually respected, especially because of forestry bans in the Tyrysale Forest, which is where their numbers are highest in the nation's borders.