Changelings in Eashavar | World Anvil



Changelings are mortals who were affected by the touch of a nightwitch when they were babies. Their soul belongs to the Hilean Court, and their body has been twisted to reflect that fact. Changelings are viewed with great distrust and concern within society partly because of their abilities to take on the forms of those who consent (this last part is oft-forgotten). Most Changelings will be approached in adulthood to be called to the Hilean Court; some accept it, many reject it, but their corruption remains regardless of their choice.  

General Information

Rarity: Uncommon. (You may play this race only after consulting with the DM. There may be limits on the number of players able to play this race in a single party.)   Physical Description: The faces of Changelings typically lose any recognizable features, their skin and eyes become pure white, and their hair fades in color, often becoming vibrant but pale. Other bodily features tend to become unaccented as well, though Changelings may still present themselves as a specific gender through minor modifications, such as the presence of breasts or broader shoulders.   Family Structure: Changelings are often abandoned by their families after turning, and they are sent to special missions (such as those run by The Chantry) or orphanages. Few Changelings escape their childhood without abuse and neglect, and most are incapable of forming families due to persisting prejudices - and their infertility - as they grow older. Changelings tend to feel a familial pull towards the Hilean Court, however, and will one day be approached by the nightwitches who corrupted them. At that point, the nightwitches shall extend to them an invitation to the Plane of Shadow. Those that decline this opportunity regain some of their humanity, and the ability to blend into everyday society by taking on others' appearances - they can, however, typically only do this with the explicit consent of the appearances' owners. Those who accept shall become nightwitches in and of themselves, bolstering the ranks of the Hilean Court's agents.   Attitude Toward Society: Changelings often feel disdain towards mortal societies, feeling abandoned and outcast by them (and not without good reason, of course). Many become loyal followers of the Hilean Court and its rigid rule over the Plane of Shadow, however, and can live successful and fulfilling lives there. Those who reject this path and choose to remain in Eashavar often have greater success fitting in as the shadows around them loosen their grip. This is especially the case if they find somebody willing to allow them to borrow their form, permitting them to escape prejudice and experience normal lives - for a time.   Attitude Toward Gender: Changelings generally have a sense of gender identity corresponding to the societies they are raised in, which surfaces itself in their physical features. Both the identity and their features are mutable, however, and can change rapidly when desired.   Attitude Toward Relationships: Changelings are infertile, fairly rare, and distrusted by other races. They almost never enter into relationships. Moreover, they consider permission to use one's form as the greatest kind of intimacy, even though it's typically a platonic act to the other. In this sense, 'monogamy' is almost a foreign concept to Changelings, who typically enjoy gathering as many forms as they can.  

Race (5e)

Changelings (5e)

ability score increase: +1 to Any Ability Score
age: Changelings mature by age 15, and have natural lifespans that can reach 80 years old. They rejuvenate while on the Plane of Shadow, however, and can live up to 200 years if they spend extended time there.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
race features:
Replication: You have the capability of assuming any other being's appearance, so long as they give explicit consent, and so long as they have not changed their minds (even if such a desire is unspoken). After a day of being in this appearance, you may make slight changes, including to your height, weight, facial features, the sound of your voice, coloration, hair length, sex characteristics, and other distinguishing features. Your clothing does not change in appearance, size, or shape to match your new form, requiring extra outfits on hand to make the most compelling disguise possible.   Unsettling Visage: When a creature you can see makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the roll. You must use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. Using this trait reveals your shapeshifting nature to the target. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Versatile Heritage (PF2e)


Versatile Heritage
You are a child of Shanor, bearing the influence of the Hilean Court. You gain the Changeling trait. You also gain the Replication ability. You can select from Changeling feats and feats from your other parent’s ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.   Replication: By using a double action, you have the capability of assuming any other being's appearance, so long as they give explicit consent, and so long as they have not changed their minds (even if such a desire is unspoken). After a day of being in this appearance, you may make slight changes, including to your height, weight, facial features, the sound of your voice, coloration, hair length, sex characteristics, and other distinguishing features. Your clothing does not change in appearance, size, or shape to match your new form, requiring extra outfits on hand to make the most compelling disguise possible. Replication counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception, the transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which they transformed, and the changeling gains a +4 status bonus to their Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through their disguise.
Ancestry Feats
Adapted DeceptionChangeling1-You have honed your skill in deceiving others as a means to keep yourself safe.
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You have honed your skill in deceiving others as a means to keep yourself safe. You gain the Charming Liar skill feat. If you roll Deception for initiative, foes in that combat encounter that haven't acted yet are flat-footed against you.
Changeling LoreChangeling1-You are not only familiar with your own powers as a Changeling, but with the details of the Hilean Court.
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You are not only familiar with your own powers as a Changeling, but with the details of the Hilean Court. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Deception and Occultism. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Changeling Lore.
Changeling's IntuitionChangeling1-You can easily read people's body language and sometimes it like you are understanding their thoughts.
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You can easily read people's body language and sometimes it like you are understanding their thoughts. You gain a +1 Status Bonus to your Perception when trying to read people like Sense Motive action or when people try to use the Deception skill on you. Additional you get a +1 Status Bonus to your Deception and Intimidation Skills.
Courtier's MendingChangeling1-You can tap into some of the magic that flows through your blood to give you new life.
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You can tap into some of the magic that flows through your blood to give you new life. When you cast a non-cantrip occult spell or an innate spell from a Changeling ancestry feat, you gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to half your level (minimum 1) that last until the end of your next turn.
Sleeping AlertnessChangeling1-Having been corrupted by the Hilean Court in your youth, you have been inflicted with a regular insomnia.
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Having been corrupted by the Hilean Court while sleeping in your youth, you have a +2 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against sleep effects and effects that cause or alter dreams. In addition, sleep is more restorative for you. You regain HP equal to your Constitution modifier times double your level instead of just times your level, and you reduce any drained and doomed conditions you have by 2 instead of by 1.
CalledChangeling5-A nightwitch has approached you with an invitation to join the Hilean Court. You have received the call.
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A nightwitch has approached you with an invitation to join the Hilean Court. You have received the call. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Will saving throws against mental effects. If you roll a success on your saving throw against a mental effect that would make you controlled, you get a critical success instead.
Mist ChildChangeling5-You blend in with unnatural subtlety.
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You blend in with unnatural subtlety. When you are concealed or hidden, increase the DC of the flat check to target you to 6 if you're concealed or 12 if you're hidden.
Face StealChangeling5-You no longer require a person's continued consent to take on their form.
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You no longer require a person's continued consent to take on their form. Approval at one point gives you permission to take on their form forever. This does not hold retroactively, and you must regain consent after selecting this feat.
Occult ResistanceChangeling9expert in OccultismYour study of occult practices has shown you how to best defend against them.
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Your study of occult practices has shown you how to best defend against them. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against occult effects.
Doppelganger's GiftChangeling9Changeling's IntuitionYour natural Intuition to read people has become something more.
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Your natural Intuition to read people has become something more. You gain mind reading as a 3rd level innate arcane spell. You can case this inmate arcane spell once a day.
You Might...
  • Cherish and protect those friends who accept you - and especially those who consent to replication.
  • Seek to better understand your connections to the Hilean Court, whether as a preventative measure or in the hopes of joining Shanor.
  • Maintain composure when faced with strange creatures and circumstances.
  Others Probably...
  • Assume you practice occult or primal magic, or that you have dastardly plans of infiltration.
  • Worry that you may steal their identity, or that they are speaking with an identity stolen.
  • Ask for constant reassurances on whether you are yourself or a replica. You'll hear they're "never be sure who they are speaking to" a lot.