Althrace Settlement in Eashavar | World Anvil


Althrace, the capital of Althraxia, lays upon the shores of Lake Althrax, a bustling and cosmopolitan city to which most of the nation's trade flows. Althrace has attracted migrants from lands all over the Border Kingdoms and the Protectorate-Commonwealth for ages, and it has attracted Syllan refugees since the nation's fall to the undead. At the same time, it maintains a somewhat rural feel to it: it is built upon marshy lands, surrounded by farms, and maintains a distinctly old-world architecture untouched by the spread of industrialization. Althrace is often viewed as a pleasant get-away town across the southern Kcalsbury Continent, though it does struggle with poverty and shortages on a regular basis due to Althraxia's continued struggles. Despite these struggles, Althrace features universities and mage's colleges that rival some of its neighbors, making it the cultural and educational center of Althraxia and the broader Border Kingdoms.